Kazakhstan is a relatively underrated Central Asian country that was part of the former Soviet republic. This region can be quite mysterious territory to most people, but there is a lot to explore. However, there are many fun facts about Kazakhstan that show how it can be a truly interesting travel destination. You can take an online test on the history of Kazakhstan and find out how well you know your homeland.


A country's history often influences its present. Here are some important facts about Kazakhstan's past that are useful to know.

The world's longest border runs between Kazakhstan and Russia

When Kazakhstan separated from the Soviet Union, the border between Kazakhstan and Russia became one of the longest borders in the world. This border, more than 7000 km long, separates the country from Russia.

Some argue that it is the longest continuous border on the planet and the second longest when considering total length without continuity (the first would be the Canada-US border). The Kazakhstan history quiz will show you how well you know your country.

The name represents the history of the country's nomads

One of the main facts about Kazakhstan is that the word “Kazakh” has an important meaning. The term translates to "independent" or "wanderer", representing the country's nomadic history.

The original meaning of the term Kazakhstan is the land of wanderers. This is an appropriate name for the country, given that the indigenous people and people in the past lived as nomads, moving from one region to another.

Kazakhstanis were the first to ride horses

Another unique fact about Kazakhstan is that it was the first country to domesticate horses. This means that the Kazakh people were also actually the first to saddle these majestic animals.

Because of this history, the country hosts many horse competitions every year. Even women are not shy about participating in such events. Take the Kazakhstan history test and make sure that your country is like an open book for you.

The Soviet Union tested 500 nuclear devices here

Kazakhstan has a significant history of relations with the Soviet Union due to its status as a former Soviet republic.

It is no secret that between 1949 and 1989, the Soviet Union tested at least 500 nuclear devices in this country. These tests together are said to be comparable to the 20 atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima.


Apart from its historical context, Kazakhstan also has rich cultural traditions that can be observed when visiting. Here are some interesting facts about the culture of Kazakhstan.

Berkutchi still practice here

Berkutchi is a well-known practice of hunting with eagles in Kazakhstan. Eagles are trained to catch a variety of prey such as rabbits, foxes and small birds. Some hunters also train falcons to do the same.

There is a traditional belief among hunters about the prey they catch with the help of eagles. It is said that they must keep the loot for at least one year to increase their luck.

Kazakh men do not shake hands with women

This is a cultural practice in Kazakhstan due to religious reasons and as a form of respect for their modesty. This is why you rarely see a man shaking a woman's hand to greet her. So don't be offended if you're a woman and offer a handshake without reciprocation.

Nauryz is one of the main holidays in Kazakhstan

One of the biggest holidays in Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries is Nauryz, which marks the meaning of the new year. This day is celebrated on the day of the spring equinox, for several days. The country's streets will be transformed to create a festive mood.

Guests are taken to traditional nomadic homes called yurts, where locals prepare meals using seven culturally important ingredients. Some people even forgive the debts of others in honor of a new beginning.

Beshbarmak is the national dish of the country

One of the interesting facts about Kazakhstan is its unique food. The national dish of the people is beshbarmak. Locals also call it "five fingers" because all fingers are used when eating.

The dish consists of large pieces of lamb or horse meat placed on noodles cooked in a unique sauce or broth. Vegetables such as onions and parsley are also added to complete the dish.


Kazakhstan is a Central Asian country that is often overlooked, but is definitely worth exploring. Here are fun facts about Kazakhstan that may interest young minds.

Horse milk is the national drink of this country.

The national drink of Kazakhstan is a rather unique drink made from mare’s milk. It's called kumys and is loved by most adults.

The male's milk is fermented to create this slightly sour drink. Local lore believes that kumiss has medicinal properties, which are believed to cure influenza, tuberculosis and other diseases.

Here is the tallest ice skating rink in the world

One of the most famous places to visit in Kazakhstan is the Medeo sports center. In fact, this is the world's highest skating rink for children and adults. The area of ​​the skating rink is huge, about the size of two football fields.

There are snow leopards in Kazakhstan

One of the main facts about Kazakhstan is that it has exotic wildlife such as snow leopards. This shy animal is an endangered species listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Snow leopards are beautiful and intelligent animals. They are also rare in other parts of the world due to their small numbers. There are only 3500 to 7000 snow leopards in the wild.

Snow leopards are a symbol of the country, and local residents respect this creature for its great courage and independence.

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