While most of us settle for a pair of sneakers that have a stylish look and a great fit, we are also looking for the best deal.
Most sneaker buyers will pay between $85 and $200 for a sneaker and consider it an investment in comfort and good looks, but there are also those who prefer higher-end versions. As a fan of the Adidas brand of sneakers, I was wondering how much the most expensive ones would cost, so I did some research and was amazed by the results. The most expensive lines are NMDs. I haven't had the privilege of trying a couple, but it might be nice. Here are the 10 most expensive ones the brand has to offer.
5. Pharrell Human Race Yellow NMD Originals – $1,606
The NMD Pharrell HR in yellow retails for just over $1600, but if you keep an eye on sales, you can snag a pair closer to $1550. These are compliments of Williams' combined genius with the shoe brand, and they've launched a successful line that doesn't pull any punches when it comes to flying off the shelves. This is a historic model for the company and doesn't look like it's going away any time soon.

4. Human Race Trail NMD (Pharrell/BBCl) – $1,806
BBC stands for Billionaire Boys Club and it was founded by Williams and Nigo. The line launched in 2003 and became a wild success with streetwear. The two gave their name to their joint venture to produce this best-selling shoe edition. It has some big names in the fashion industry attached to it, and at just over $1800 a pair, it's a hot seller for the brand.

3. NYC Red Apple edition NMD -$2,074
This is a publication that is extremely difficult to find. It was first introduced when the flagship store opened in New York. These shoes were available for pre-order and only 200 pairs were made for retail sale. If you can find a pair at auction now, not only will you be lucky, but you'll also likely end up paying a lot more than the original retail sale price listed here. This is a rare find.

2. Pitch Black Friends & Family – $2,570
You might be looking at the price tag and wondering why it's so high? This could be the fact that each pair is individually numbered from 1 to 500, which is the small number that was produced. They are very rare, although not as rare as number eight on our list. They were part of a special blacked-out Boost, and they represent the first black Boost midsole the company has made. 400 pairs were made to distribute to friends and family of design engineers and employees, and another 100 pairs were given away to SnapChat contest winners.

1. Futurecraft 4D – $2,892
These sneakers were manufactured by the company and were supposed to be released, but there was a delay in getting them to retail locations. Instead, the brand made it a gift for friends and family, giving away 300 pairs for free. Due to their rarity and the new technology used in the sole design, they are valued at almost $3k and are a nice shoe to boot, but quite a few giveaways have popped up on Ebay auctions.

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