
In the middle of the Kazakh steppe, about 60 kilometers from the city of Balkhash, the mountainous area of ​​Bektau-Ata is located. In clear weather, the mountain range can be seen hundreds of kilometers away. In the Bektau-Ata mountain range there are rocks and gorges of unusual shape. Bektau-Ata consists of several peaks, springs flow here and there are small lakes. Rare plant species grow in the tract, some of which are listed in the Red Book. Experts have counted about 300 species of meadow and steppe plants here. Traveling through the tract, you can enjoy hawthorn, honeysuckle and currants. Among the wildlife here you can see a rare five-toed dwarf jerboa, you can see argali in the mountains. In forest areas there are birds such as turtle doves, orioles, buntings and others.

 The origin of this mountain range has been debated for many years. The fact is that the mountains are made of fused granite. There is a version that this is granite volcanic lava frozen on the surface of the earth. In ancient times here b4e684156d33a volcano was born, it melted rocks, but never exploded. For thousands of years, the wind worked and the stone blocks acquired various bizarre shapes and the people came up with the names “Mushroom”, “Chest”, “Turtle”, “Sarykulja” - which means yellow argali. This is a very beautiful place, especially in the morning and sunset, when the stone blocks take on an amazing hue, and the whole tract resembles a scene from a science fiction film.

 In Bektau-Ata there is a cave called Aulie-tas with a source of fresh water. The cave is located on the southwestern slope of Mount Bektau-Ata. The total length of the cave is 50 meters, but almost all of it is flooded with water. Aulie Cave is considered the deepest cave in Kazakhstan. And according to locals, the water in it is holy and healing. If your trip to Bektau-Ata will take place from Almaty, then you will need to travel along the Astana highway. The road is not bad, you will need to follow the signs for Astana. After the city of Balkhash, follow the sign to Karaganda for another 57 kilometers and follow the sign to “Bektau-Ata 12 km.”

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