What is product certification

Certification is a set of measures aimed at confirming the compliance of goods or products with quality standards established by law. The standards are approved by the authorized state bodies of Kazakhstan and are represented by a certain list of documents.

The list includes the following acts:

  1. Decree of the Government of Kazakhstan “On mandatory confirmation of product quality in the Republic of Kazakhstan” dated April 20.04.2005, 367, number XNUMX.
  2. Law “On Technical Regulation” dated October 09.10.2004, 603, number XNUMX-II ZRK RK.
  3. State standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  4. Technical regulations.

How to obtain a certificate of conformity for a product

GOST K – a document that certifies the fact that a product or product meets the requirements, as well as the standards established by law.

Issued based on the results of a completed comprehensive quality control procedure. The document is required for imported goods and to be able to trade in products that are not certified under the terms of the Customs Union. This document is drawn up on a voluntary basis.

In addition to GOST K, the Republic of Kazakhstan carries out declaration and certification of the requirements of the Customs Union TR. Based on the passage, a document is issued indicating the safety of the product for consumers and the environment.

What is mandatory product certification

Product groups included in the list of PP No. 367 or TR CU are required to undergo analysis for compliance with the standards established by law. The assessment may be in the nature of a declaration or certification.

Differences in receiving these documents:

  1. Declaration allows the applicant to use the services of any accredited laboratory to test product samples. Upon completion of the tests, the protocols will be transferred to the authorized government agencies. Completing certification activities does not depend in any way on the applicant.
  2. The result of the declaration is an A4 document. Upon completion of the certification procedure, a state document is issued.
  3. Declaration is mandatory; certification can be mandatory or voluntary.

Mandatory activities consist of a list of established requirements for an objective analysis of the characteristics and quality of the product. If it is necessary to legally obtain a certificate, every entrepreneur dealing with this product must draw up a document.

In the absence of permits, the sale of goods will be considered illegal, and the violator will be held accountable. Failure to comply with the requirements is punishable by a fine, seizure of products or suspension of the entrepreneur’s activities for a certain period of time.

Gortest Siberia will carry out all activities to obtain turnkey documentation. To use the services of a specialist, leave an online request on the website or contact by phone.

Why is voluntary product certification necessary?

Even if in technical regulations and normative documents there is no mandatory requirement to issue a certificate, the process can be initiated voluntarily.

The benefits of receiving the document:

  • increase in consumer demand for products;
  • significant increase in the company's market competitiveness;
  • development of new sales opportunities;
  • opportunity to participate in government tenders;
  • enter into contracts with government organizations;
  • increased consumer confidence and increased advertising effectiveness;
  • confirmation of the quality of the goods for profitable and quick sale.

The modern buyer is interested in purchasing high-quality products that do not cause harm to health, so certification on a voluntary basis contributes to business development and increases the demand for goods on the trade market. The mass consumer pays attention to the permitting documentation confirming the safety and benefits of the product. When choosing between a certified/non-certified product, the buyer will prefer a product with a document.

An opportunity to significantly increase trade turnover - get free advice from a professional expert in the field of certification. Professional employees of Gortest Sibir, who have extensive experience in solving complex business problems, will help you obtain permits and provide comprehensive information on successfully overcoming the current situation.

Where can I get a certificate for my products?

Obtaining documentation of the appropriate form (declaration and certificate) is necessary in many areas of business and commercial activity.

Categories of business where documentation is required:

  • importation - preparation of papers on product safety of a sample that complies with the norms of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Customs Union;
  • production of goods - we will select a suitable verification scheme and help you carry out the procedure for obtaining documents;
  • participation in government and commercial tenders - to obtain an ISO/ISO certificate;
  • to provide export services, a package of permitting documentation must be prepared.

After analyzing the specific situation, the specialists of KAZAUTOCERT LLP will offer a practical and legal option for obtaining documents permitting activities in the specified area of ​​business. All work results will be provided within the period established by the contract at a reasonable cost.

Our experience covers all areas of commercial and government activity:

  • food and light industry;
  • goods for kids;
  • means of transport;
  • electrical equipment of various origins;
  • production and supply of furniture;
  • all types of industrial equipment;
  • packaging and consumables;
  • perfumes, cosmetics, etc.

The experts of the certification center understand all the intricacies of the current legislation in Kazakhstan and will provide professional assistance at every stage of obtaining permits. We will carry out all the steps, from submitting an application to receiving a completed certification certificate.

The center has been specializing in providing services for obtaining permits for several years.

We will organize and carry out the following work:

  • checking the appropriate level of safety at industrial facilities;
  • testing the product/product for compliance with requirements and standards;
  • assistance in obtaining a declaration/certificate that complies with the legislation of the TR CU;
  • professional examination of engineering, survey and design documentation;
  • registration of permits for vehicles.

Our employees are professionals who take into account the individual characteristics of each case. We save your time and money, therefore we offer only those services that the Customer needs for registration. When working with documentation, the wishes and personal preferences of each client are taken into account.

Use the services of an initial consultation by providing standard information in the application on the website, or contact a center specialist in any convenient form.

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