E-obraschenie.kz (E-otinish.kz) - log into your personal account on the official portal of appeals of Kazakhstan

Site E-otinish.kz is a universal online hub for submitting and processing electronic appeals and petitions from citizens of Kazakhstan. Initiated in 2021 by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Complaints Oversight Division of the Presidential Administration, this platform provides every citizen with the opportunity to communicate directly with government authorities. By submitting complaints, online petitions or requests, citizens can actively participate in a transparent feedback process, tracking the progress and quality of their submissions.

The E-Otinish platform strives to ensure that every petition is dealt with promptly, effectively addressing issues across various sectors.

The process of creating an account on the portal

For those who want to start a petition, propose an idea, or access a petition database for the first time, download and run the software «NcaLayer» is a prerequisite. To continue working, authentication using an electronic digital signature (EDS) is required.

Authorization in Portal Account

To access your personal account, follow the authorization link.

You will be able to log in to your account as:

  1. An employee of an administrative body, using a login and password, or through an electronic digital signature.
  2. For applicants who wish to log into their account, the platform offers several authentication methods after selection:
  1. Login (individual citizen code) and secure password,
  2. "EDS" with a published valid certificate,
  3. EDS via SIM card (requires personal SIM card number and TIN),
  4. Temporary password sent to your mobile phone
  5. Biometric data (digital ID), QR code scanning.

If problems occur Once logged in, the “Forgot Password” feature will help users regain access by offering reset options via email or digital signature.

Advantages of the state portal

Eotinish.gov.kz facilitates the electronic submission of complaints, requests, responses, messages and documents.

Users can:

  1. File an appeal
  2. Provide the necessary documents as requested or requested by the platform,
  3. Submit appeals directly via mobile phone,
  4. Completely control actions on your documents, track the progress of processing your requests, and much more.
  5. This portal also allows citizens to initiate legal action, further enhancing its usefulness as a comprehensive feedback and petition system.

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