- personal account of distance learning at the East Kazakh University named after. Sarsena Amanzholova

VKU is proud of its traditions and innovative approach to education, providing students and teachers with access to many useful resources through the university's official website. Here you'll find everything you need for successful study and research, from the latest news and event information to access to an extensive research library and class schedules. To take advantage of the full range of services, students are recommended to create a personal account on the website, which will become your personal information center and assistant in the educational process.

Account creation

Each new VKU student is automatically registered on the portal edu vkgu kz immediately after enrollment at the university. The first login to your personal account requires entering your IIN as a login and your ID number as a password. In order to increase security, after the first authorization, you should fill out the form and change the default password.

Authorization in the system

Access to your personal account is carried out through the button "Start learning" on the main page of the portal. If you lose your login or password, you can restore access through the function “Forgot your username or password?”using your email address to receive data recovery instructions.

Capabilities of the Edu.vkgu system

With a registered account, you can:

  • Familiarize yourself with the regulatory documents and rules of the VKU;
  • Download and view educational materials in electronic form through the scientific library;
  • Follow the schedule of online lessons and participate in webinars and conferences;
  • Interact with the video library and participate in discussions on the distance learning forum;
  • View and monitor your educational achievements, as well as receive recommendations and instructions to improve your performance;
  • Read the materials of the rector’s blog and participate in the life of the university even from a distance.

Start of distance learning

To start distance learning, just go to the “Start learning” section on the portal or from the main page by clicking on the blue rectangle. The “Statistics” section will provide information about the workload of educational materials and student activity. In the “Forum” section you can communicate with other students and teachers who are online. To access educational materials in the online library, you will need to enter a login and password.

These functions make the educational process at VKU as convenient and accessible as possible for all students, regardless of their location, allowing them to flexibly manage their education and actively participate in university life.

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