You can buy travel tickets for public transport:
at the ticket office of the Bus Station, at the address: Goethe St., building 5.
- in the office of Astana Passenger Transportation Center LLP, at the address: Abylaikhan Ave., 57/1.
- at the ticket office of the Capital Circus, at the address: Kabanbay Batyr Ave., 5.
— in the Zhenis shopping center, at the address: Podedy Ave., building 47.
- in the Ak Center shopping center, at the address: st. Petrova, 18, ground floor, boutique No. 7.
- in the Alem Trade House at the address: st. them. Bogenbay Batyr, building 68, 2nd floor, sector 22, boutique No. 7-1.
- to the “Palace Zhastar” of the State Committee for Public Administration at the address: Republic Avenue, building 28.
Prices for travel tickets: General travel tickets - 7500 tenge.
Children's tickets - 900 tenge.
Half-monthly from 1 to 15 - 3200 tenge.
with 16 by 31 — 3200 tg.
Where to buy Astana travel tickets?
It seems like a children's travel card costs 1500? Or has the price dropped?
what happened again?? There are no travel cards as of 01,06,2015/XNUMX/XNUMX. Why??
For half a month 4000
Hello! Why does a ticket for half a month cost 4000 tenge, when you write here 3200 tenge???
Where can I buy a student pass?