Year of Culture in Kazakhstan, when?

Today, Kazakhstan is experiencing a period of revival of the culture of the Kazakh people; undoubtedly, since 1990, a new stage in the history of Kazakh culture has begun. National holidays were revived, and Nauryz became a national holiday. The once lost musical and poetic aitys also became popular - this is the bright improvised art of the Kazakh people.

During the years of independence, the state actively supported the development of the culture of Kazakhstan.

Thus, the law “On Culture” was adopted on December 24, 1996, which regulates public relations in the sphere of creation, revival and dissemination of Kazakh national culture and the culture of other peoples of Kazakhstan.

The State Program for Supporting Culture of Kazakhstan was developed for 1998-2000, and 2000 was declared the year of culture. By the Year of Culture in Kazakhstan, the number of theaters, libraries, state museums, recreation parks, club-type institutions had increased significantly, and there were already four zoos.

In 2003, the international festival “Asia Dausy” was held for the first time. Competitions and festivals dedicated to the creativity of young performers have begun to be held annually. Today, Kazakh culture is also known abroad; Kazakhstan has signed an agreement on joint cooperation in the field of culture with 49 countries of the near and far abroad. Today, international cultural ties are actively developing, for example, the Karaganda Regional Drama Theater participated in the festival in Cairo, and the Republican Academic Orchestra “Otyrar Sazy” became laureates of the International Festival in Istanbul.

Both governmental and public organizations are involved in the development of culture in Kazakhstan. In modern Kazakhstan, there is a period of revival of folk crafts, folk customs, national sports, national education and the Kazakh language are being revived. In general, Kazakhstan's education remains from the Soviet Union. Secondary education is free, then you can get either technical education or higher education. Since 1993, the Kazakh language has been recognized as the state language, but many educational institutions use Russian due to the fact that a significant part of the population does not speak Kazakh.

Theaters in Kazakhstan are becoming so popular that it is difficult to get a ticket to a theater premiere in Almaty, and the premiere is sold out. So in 2009, republican theaters staged more than a thousand performances.

I would also like to note the development of cinematography in Kazakhstan; in recent years, film production has been developing outside of Kazakh film. New studios are being created, such as “Sataifilm”, “Mausymfilm”. A special event was the opening of the new television channel “Khabar-2,” which broadcasts in the state language; the purpose of the channel is to promote the spiritual heritage of the Kazakh people. In 2000, more than 100 of the best foreign films were translated into Kazakh for young viewers in Kazakhstan.

Over the last period, monuments to outstanding figures of the Kazakh people were opened, such as: Karasai and Agyntay batyrs, Sultan Beibars, Kurmangazy and Dina Nurpeisova and many others.

Today, Kazakhstan is confidently following the path of independence, so the national culture in Kazakhstan will continue to develop, delighting with its originality.

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