How does a Kazakh wedding go?

Each culture has its own characteristics that are unique to it. Celebrations such as weddings are celebrated differently in different cultures. So in Kazakh culture, there are inherent features of holding this holiday. We will not dwell on the complex matchmaking ceremony, but will only plunge into the most solemn day in a person’s life - his marriage. Today, in holding this holiday, young people strive to revive old traditions and sometimes you can see how, after the registry office, they go to the mosque to receive Allah's approval for their decision - to link the fate of two people for life. So how does a modern Kazakh wedding work? We will talk about how the closest relatives gathered somewhere in a cafe to congratulate the newlyweds and be with them on this solemn day for them.

Today it is fashionable to send wedding invitations in colorful envelopes, which indicate the place and time of the celebration. But as a rule, guests manage to be late. The wedding begins with the singing of the already traditional song “Zhar-Zhar”, which, by the way, appeared no more than half a century ago. Then the Bet-Ashar ritual is performed. It consists of the daughters-in-law leading the bride by the arms into the hall (the bride’s face is covered with a veil), where she is greeted by a dombra player singing. In the song, the domplayer begins to list the groom's relatives, and the girl gives a salem (bow) to each as a sign of respect. Those whose names were named by the dommaster are obliged to put money on the dish standing in front of the toastmaster. At the end of the song, the bride reveals her face and this is where the ceremony ends and the one begins.

Then everything goes very modern, because Kazakh and Soviet customs are closely intertwined. The bride and groom, for example, cut the cake together. In general, traditional rituals are already purely symbolic in nature. It remains to add that, as a rule, in a completely modern way for a wedding celebration, the groom takes out a loan and then they remember the holiday together for a long time.

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