How to choose the perfect suitcase for your next trip?

Having the right luggage will not only make your trip easier, but it will also save you a lot of money. Today in Kazakhstan there are many stores that offer various models of suitcases.

Factors to consider when choosing a suitcase 

  1. Предпочтения

 We all have something we like best among the two main luggage options: suitcase or backpack. Neither one is better than the other. The choice will largely depend on your physical condition, destination and what suits you best. If you're looking for four-wheeled suitcases: When it comes to short trips, the 55cm x 40cm x 20cm is the ideal size so you can take it as hand luggage on the plane and not have to pay extra for luggage. For long trips, choose a large suitcase with a capacity of up to 90 liters. Whether you're using a suitcase or a backpack, there are other questions you need to ask yourself to know what size to choose and how much to bring.

  1. What do you travel with?

 Depending on the type of transportation you use, you will pay different fees for the luggage you carry. The most restrictive in most cases is by plane, so if this is your main mode of transport, you will need to check what luggage is allowed. Low-cost airlines usually include only one carry-on bag in the ticket price, but the weight and dimensions are controlled. So if you're traveling by air and don't want to pay more, your suitcase size can usually not exceed 55cm x 40cm x 20cm (whether it's a backpack or a suitcase). When it comes to suitcases you check on planes, size doesn't matter, weight matters.

  If you're traveling by train or boat, you'll have more freedom, but you shouldn't overuse either as routes are very busy and boarding times are often limited, so getting around can be very difficult with a large suitcase. In the case of buses, large suitcases and hand luggage are generally allowed (although they are unlikely to enforce this), but it is always a good idea to check the baggage rules because they may vary.

  Accompanied travel often allows you to optimize your luggage. Many groups travel with a carry-on bag for each person and share a large suitcase, allowing expenses and responsibilities to be shared. But if you're traveling alone, you need to be sure that you can handle everything you decide to take with you, no matter what kind of transport you use.

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