Kasipkor.kz (Kasipkor kz) - the main website of the Talap corporation

Kasipkor, the dedicated online home of the non-profit Talap Corporation, where we are passionate about enriching your educational journey. Our site invites you to explore and enroll in a variety of specialized courses tailored to different areas of interest.

How to get an account on the Kasipkor portal

Whether you're looking to expand your knowledge with one of our courses or need help from one of our experts, getting started is easy with us. Simply fill out the simple form on our website with your name, active email address, topic of interest and a brief description of your request. We will review your request and contact you via email with our feedback or solutions.

Phone number to contact the portal:
+7 (7172) 214-546

What functions does the portal perform?

Kasipkor.kz is more than just an information site. This is a site to numerous educational services which include:

  • Comprehensive distance learning programs
  • Guides and Resources for Educators
  • Support for inclusive education
  • Innovative systems of dual education
  • Rich library of educational content
  • Exciting projects such as "Showcase" and "TOP 100" that highlight the best talent and ideas.

The process of creating video tutorials on the Kasipkor platform

If you're planning on creating a video tutorial to share your knowledge online, here are some personal touches and practical tips to make your videos more engaging:

  • Start by introducing yourself warmly, sharing your name and a little about your teaching background to establish a connection with your audience.
  • Prepare your presentation carefully to deliver it smoothly and confidently.
  • Dress neatly in simple, professional attire to convey seriousness and respect to the audience.
  • Limit video length to 30 minutes to maintain focus and interest.
  • Look directly into the camera to create a sense of eye contact with the audience.
  • Speak from the heart—avoid reading verbatim from notes to keep communication live and personal.
  • Make your presentation dynamic by speaking clearly and passionately, inviting your audience to appreciate and enjoy the learning process.
  • Good lighting is critical: face a light source, such as a window, so you can be clearly seen, and avoid harsh backlight.
  • Use clear language and avoid overly complex terms to ensure your message is accessible.
  • Stay quiet so as not to be distracted while filming.
  • Secure the camera to avoid frame shake.
  • Stay relaxed and use minimal natural gestures to communicate effectively and comfortably.

Zoom calls on Windows PC

Joining a Zoom meeting is easy. Here's a quick guide:

  1. Click the meeting link provided on the home page.
  2. A pop-up window will ask you to “Launch the application.” Click on this button to start downloading and installing.
  3. When the Zoom app opens, enter your name and click the Join button to continue.
  4. Select "Join Audio from Computer" to make sure you hear and will be heard in the meeting.
  5. If you're new to Zoom, you can sign up for free using your work email. This will allow you to start or schedule your own meetings.

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