Caspian Sea Kazakhstan, prospects for the Kenderli resort

According to the plan for the development of the tourism industry until 2020 in the Republic of Kazakhstan, a special place is occupied by the development of beach tourism in Western Kazakhstan in the Kenderli resort area.

The Caspian Sea is the main factor attracting tourists to Mangistau and in this regard, Kenderli Bay is the best place for the development of beach tourism in Kazakhstan. Kenderli Bay is located in an ecologically clean area, far from industrial zones and other sources of pollution.

Today, the modern resort of Kenderli is an unobtrusive and quite decent hotel service - these are comfortable houses of various classes of accommodation. There is everything for active recreation of tourists: sports grounds, a swimming pool, a sauna, bowling alley, restaurants, a dance floor and much more. But the main thing is, of course, a beautiful sandy beach, a seabed convenient for swimming and a comfortable temperature of sea water in the bay.

So what are the prospects for the development of beach holidays in Kenderli? Today, work is already underway in Kenderli to build the external engineering infrastructure of the resort area. Twenty hotels and eight thousand villas and cottages are planned to be built to attract tourists from all over the world. In the future, the construction of an international airport and the construction of a highway.

It is also planned to develop interesting tourist routes to the holy places of Mangistau for vacationing tourists in Kenderli. Thus, specialists in the field of tourism offer routes not only around the Ustyursky Nature Reserve, but also to such places as Beket-Ata and Shopan-Ata, the Bozzhira tract and some other objects.

The Kenderli resort has great development prospects. In the near future (according to experts), up to six hundred thousand tourists a year will come here on vacation to enjoy their vacation in the Caspian Sea.

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