Kazakhstan 2030

The program was first announced in the Address of the President of the country to the people of Kazakhstan in 1997. “I am addressing you, the people of Kazakhstan, with my vision of the future of our society and the mission of our state. I want to present to you a strategy with which I am confident that we can achieve this future and realize 040043300your mission. I want to share with you my thoughts about the future, which goes far into the next century, into the new millennium, into the distant future. It’s time to decide how we want to see our future and the future of our children.” With these words, the President of Kazakhstan A. Nazarbayev began his address to the people of Kazakhstan.

Seven long-term priority areas for the country were identified.

— national security

— internal political stability and consolidation of society

— economic growth based on an open market economy with a high level of foreign investment and domestic savings

— health, education and well-being of citizens of Kazakhstan

— energy resources

— infrastructure, especially transport and communications

- professional state

An international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 12th anniversary of the adoption of the long-term development program “Kazakhstan-2030” was held in Astana. By 2013, the Kazakhstan-2030 strategy program was fully implemented.

The Strategic Program of Kazakhstan 2030 is a document of enormous political and historical significance.

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