"Kokshetau" national park of Kazakhstan

“Kokshetau” is a national park in Kazakhstan, it is located on the territory of the Zerenda district of the Akmola region and the Aiyrtau district of the North Kazakhstan region. Its total area is 134511 hectares. it was founded in 2005.
On the territory of the northwestern part of the Kazakh small hills, the park occupies a number of low mountain ranges. The highest altitude of the Zerenda Mountains is 588 m, the Imantau Mountains are 661 m, the Aiyrtau Mountains are 523 m and the Sarymbet Massif is 409 m above sea level. m. On the territory of the Kokshetau National Park and in its environs there are many beautiful lakes such as: -Zerendinskoye,
Imantau, Shalkar, etc. The main rivers are Tersbutak, Chaglinka, Zhabai, Babykburluk. On the territory of the park there are natural monuments of republican significance, such as: “Cape Raspberry”, “Island of Lake Imantau”, “Cape Verde”, “Pozharnaya” hill and others.

In the village of Syrymbet, as a monument of wooden architecture of the 800th century, the estate of the family of the great scientist and educator Shokan Ualikhanov has been recreated. The flora and fauna of Kokshetau Park is a rare coexistence of representatives of flora and fauna of different eras and latitudes. Forest fauna includes XNUMX plant species.

The main tree species is pine; birch (warty and downy) and aspen are also found. Among the shrubs there are such species as: juniper, cotoneaster, rose hips, hawthorn, willow, raspberries and currants. Here you can also find northern relict plants - ferns, wintergreens, northern linnaea, repens goodyera, European rosewort, etc. Among the Red Book plants, the most common are: large-flowered lady's slipper, round-leaved sundew, umbellifera and Fuchs's orchis. Here you can find the rarest club mosses in Kazakhstan - club-shaped and double-edged, as well as rare ones for the region - rock currant, Altai honeysuckle, bird cherry, viburnum, Siberian iris, three-leaved watch, angustifolia cotton grass, etc.

The fauna of the Kokshetau State National Natural Park is represented by 51 species of mammals, 224
bird species, 5 reptile species, 1 amphibian species, 19 fish species. Siberian roe deer, elk, and wild boar live here. Among the predators there are: wolf, fox, corsac fox, badger, ermine, weasel, steppe polecat. Among rodents, the most common are teleut squirrel, red-cheeked ground squirrel, large jerboa, common hamster, voles, mice, rats. Common in these places are common and long-eared hedgehogs, shrews, and bats. Among the Red Book species you can see the pine marten. Of the birds, the most common types of birds are: rook, magpie, hoodie, tree sparrow, common kestrel. The most common birds of prey in the park are the falcon, hobby falcon, saker falcon, black kite, and common buzzard. In the forest you can see woodpeckers, blackbirds, chaffinches, cuckoos, orioles, and black grouse. Ducks, geese, swans, and grebes are common on the lakes, and herons, waders, and wagtails are found along their shores. Among the “Red Book” species are the golden eagle, imperial eagle, saker falcon, eagle owl, and gray crane. Among the reptiles live: lizards, patterned snake, common and steppe vipers, common grass snake; among amphibians - green toad, grass and sharp-faced frogs. Fish include crucian carp, pike, perch, roach, ide, tench, and burbot.

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