Nationalities of Kazakhstan

More than a hundred nationalities live as one family in Kazakhstan; the peaceful policy of the state allows millions of people of different nationalities to live in peace and harmony. The last population census of the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out in 2009. According to the latest data, over seventeen million people live in Kazakhstan. According to the census, the population of Kazakhstan in percentage terms is: Kazakhs - 63,1%, Russians - 23,7%, other nationalities amounted to 13,2%.

 From history we know about the resettlement of Slavs, Germans, Tatars, Chechens and other nationalities in various periods of the 19th and 20th centuries. During the collapse of the USSR, a significant outflow of population was recorded, about half of those who left were mainly Russians, a large percentage of those who left were also Germans and Jews who wished to return to their historical homeland. About 230 thousand Kazakhs returned to Kazakhstan and about 60 thousand moved from Mongolia, Iran and Turkey.

 The ethnic composition of the population in Kazakhstan is unevenly distributed. Thus, among the population of southern Kazakhstan, Kazakhs dominate, and in the north, Russians. In the south of Kazakhstan you will hear Russian speech less and less often. During the Soviet Union, Russian was practically the state language; in 1991, a law was adopted declaring Russian and Kazakh equal state languages. The adoption of the constitutions of 1993 and 1995 declared Kazakh the only state language. The Russian language was given the status of a language of interethnic communication. Despite this, almost the entire population of Kazakhstan speaks Russian, regardless of nationality. In recent years, the Kazakh language has been revived and English is gaining popularity.

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