Cheap hotels in Almaty

We offer you a list of inexpensive hotels in Almaty, where you can stay comfortable. These are mainly three-star hotels located within the city.

Hotel "Zalikha" located near Republic Square. This Zylihaa three-star hotel where you can stay comfortably in standard one-room rooms costing 8800 tenge, junior suite 15000 tenge and suite 22000 tenge. Address Almaty, Baitursynov street 104.

Hotel "Berkana" located in Almaty near the airport, 4b05d05e8109361b4244510ad7fc0b4frailway station, shopping centers and parks. You will be able to stay in 12 cozy and comfortable hotel rooms, which are equipped with the latest technology and the Internet. Rooms in hotels of standard class, junior suite and luxury from 13000 tenge to 23500 tenge per day. Address: Almaty, Aiteke-Bi st., 83

Grand Hotel Beijing, glad to meet everyone who loves 294558_120208110712073_STDChinese cuisine, in the hotel restaurant you can taste the best dishes of Chinese cuisine, and for accommodation you will be offered standard, junior suite and suite rooms from 13600 tenge to 31200 tenge per day. Hotel address in Almaty, Seifulina Ave. 402, telephone number for inquiries: 8 (7172) 701 499 8 (778) 364 40 88 8 (777) 039 66 46

Hotel "Saya" located in the very center of Almaty. Hotel rooms i-hotel-almaty-1-4Comfortable and convenient for your accommodation there are standard class rooms costing 15600, junior suites costing 19500 tenge and suites costing 39000 tenge. Hotel address is Furmanov St. 135.

Hotel Olympica is part of the Baganashyl ​​sports and recreation complex in Almaty. The hotel is convenient for holding seminars, trainings and meetings. For accommodation there are standard single rooms costing 13000 tenge, junior suites costing 22000 tenge, standard double 16000 tenge. Address Almaty st. Sanatorium 14.

Hotel Astra in the city of Almaty offers accommodation in three-star hotels with a European level of service. The airport is a 15-minute drive away, the hotel is convenient for business meetings. For accommodation there are standard single rooms at a price of 12000 tenge per day, standard double at a price of 15000 tenge per day and luxury rooms at a price of 22000 tenge per day. Hotel address: Zheltoksana str. 12.

 Hotel-Resort Altyn Kargaly offers accommodation in standard one-room rooms 12000 tenge, standard two-room 16000 tenge, two-room suite 18000 tenge, three-room suite 25000 tenge. There is a swimming pool, football field, tennis court and restaurant for your use. Address Zhandosova str. 204 telephone for inquiries 7(727) 250 08 28 7(727) 250 08 26

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