Beach holidays in Asia

Asia is a place of unprecedented exoticism and an area of ​​excellent beaches, which are highly regarded in Asia. Asia leaves a lot of great emotions for those who have ever visited it, the landscapes of these countries, the cuisine, which is distinguished by its exquisite characteristics, and of course the local people. Beach holidays in Asia are known to many tourists both from their own experience and from hearsay, since there are a lot of vacationers in this region of the earth, which is due to the very beautiful nature that is located here. Usually the first thing that comes to mind when you think about a vacation is the beach, and Asia’s beach beaches are well developed, there are many beaches for every taste, the beaches are very different in their sand composition, from white sandy beaches to pebble ones. It’s good that there is such a large selection of beach holidays in Asia; during your holiday you can choose which beach you will relax on. Most of the beaches in Asia are municipal and available for public use, sometimes such attributes for a beach holiday as a sun lounger are given out free of charge, but in most cases they are given out if you are relaxing on a beach that is attached to your hotel, and the hotel gives you sun loungers and other accessories. If the beach is under the supervision of a hotel, then entry to it is most likely closed to those who do not have a room in this hotel. And now to the very essence of a beach holiday in Asia and the question immediately arises: which countries should you visit for a beach holiday? We will provide you with a list of them!


Holidays on these islands are very popular among Europeans, but of course, where would it be without Russians, they also love to relax here, as, probably, everywhere else)). The best time to travel to the Maldives is, of course, November; in November the weather always stabilizes due to summer instability. There are a lot of tropical fruits in the Maldives, this is one of the reasons to go to the islands)), but of course people love the islands not only because of the vegetation, the main attraction is the beaches that are located here.maldives3


The perpetual motion machine of a beach holiday), by the way it will be said that there are a lot of Russians here). The peculiarity is that Thailand receives tourists all year round and this country has a good service sector that has been operating for many years. Also, beach holidays in Thailand are very affordable; it often happens that trips to the country’s resorts are very cheap, which makes this resort area accessible to the general population.95524351 phuket-1


This is a state with a history that stretches back thousands of years; there are a large number of ancient architectural monuments that have remained in excellent condition despite many years. Of course, all tourists are amazed by the nature of Vietnam; on the territory of this state there are many waterfalls, exotic plants, jungles, crystal clear lakes and much more. Of course, there are many beaches in Vietnam and a large number of beaches are public.a6eb0605a8af


Now a very mysterious country! Israel is not a large state in size, but in such a small area there are a large number of beaches. There is a wide variety of beach holidays in this country; there are light brown beaches and sandy ones; in some areas of the country there are sandy beaches. Israel is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and is located in picturesque places on the planet, so not only a beach holiday is possible here, but also excellent walks through the country’s shrines, the Dead Sea and, of course, shopping.4bfb9c64739ea4e8e6daf35d6d773bdb


A country that is associated with exoticism and something unusual. India has always been famous for its distinct culture, famous architectural heritage, ancient sculptures and Indian cuisine. The most popular beach resort is GOA; tourists from all over the world come to this beach resort.tour-discover-south-goa-50bcbeced02ed

United Arab Emirates

But the UAE is a country with a very hot climate, in this region the sun shines all year round, let alone if in winter the temperature is +25 - +35 degrees, then as you understand in the summer it is very hot here)). The United Arab Emirates is of course known for its wealth and large number of sheikhs, so when tourists visit the UAE, it is as if they are in a fairy tale, as there are a large number of cool buildings, one more beautiful than the other. The UAE embodies various architectural ideas of the best designers and architects from all over the world. Therefore, beach holidays in this country are at a very high level.75


)) The most popular beach resort among Russians). In this country, tourism is a source of profit, like some other countries that we mentioned above, Turkey has a large number of beaches. The beaches are also different in their origin; there are almost all types of sandy beaches, as well as pebble beaches and many others.turkey2

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