Polish work visa for citizens of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhs are increasingly discovering the world. In an effort to get a well-paid job, they are often interested in offers from other countries, for example, from the countries of the European Union (EU). The eurozone has maintained high rates of economic development for decades and constantly requires new labor, willingly accepting citizens of Kazakhstan. The Republic of Poland (RP) is a striking example of a country that maintains high rates of labor emigration, officially inviting specialists from all over the world to its enterprises.

Official employment in Poland, as a rule of law state, opens all doors for the worker and closes him from any risks. His labor rights are protected by the legal norms of the Republic of Poland itself, the terms of the employment contract and EU laws, compliance with which is monitored by the competent authorities and controlled by the consulate of Kazakhstan. A legal worker receives social insurance and various incentives, he has the opportunity for career growth and a change of job, and his wages are always stable and paid on time. To put it simply, he is not afraid of the law, but, on the contrary, enjoys its protection.

Kazakhs most often strive to get a job in Western Europe, for example in France or Germany, because the salaries here are among the highest, but there are some nuances. In these countries, there are quite high requirements for specialists applying for highly paid vacancies, and there are a lot of people who want to get them. In addition, the emigration legislation of these countries imposes a number of restrictions. In Poland, earnings are comparatively lower, although very high, but at the same time, and the state is more loyal to labor emigrants. All that remains is to receive a job invitation and apply for a visa from SPS

SPS International.

The SPS company has been providing visa support in different countries of the world for a long time, promoting labor emigration. For more than 20 years, we have been providing employment and legalization services abroad, facilitating obtaining a work visa in EU countries, including Poland. We have already managed to employ hundreds of thousands of LIC citizens in the EU. Our company directly cooperates with Polish employers who act as personnel customers and citizens of Kazakhstan who are looking for work in the Republic of Poland.

SPS has a large database of vacancies from Polish enterprises in various fields of activity, helps clients receive an invitation to work and develop the appropriate visa. This is not the entire list of services that we provide. The client can count on long-term cooperation and comprehensive support from SPS International. We continue to provide visa, legal, socio-economic support to clients abroad remotely. After arriving in the country, he is met at the train station or airport and escorted to his place of work and residence, and helped to resolve everyday issues. This way he quickly gets accustomed to a foreign country. SPS cares about its reputation and the quality of its service.

Visa in RP from SPS.

Work in Poland is offered by our partners - employers with an impeccable reputation, proven by many years of experience in successful cooperation. They provide our clients with legal employment with fairly high earnings and good working conditions. SPS International personally guarantees timely payment of salaries in full. Our specialists carry out all bureaucratic procedures on the way to obtaining a visa, advise the client and transmit to him all the information about the vacancy.

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