To protect many species of animals on the territory of Kazakhstan, there are specially protected areas, the tasks of which include creating appropriate conditions for restoring the numbers of many species of rare and endangered animals and plants. Therefore, the territory of Kazakhstan has become a home for many animals, plants and birds, but a considerable number of them are under threat of extinction and, to our regret, the Red Book of Kazakhstan is replenished with new species every time. As for the birds of Kazakhstan, they are endangered, mainly due to poaching. These birds include the relict gull, white-headed duck, black stork, golden eagle, steppe eagle, vulture, gyrfalcon, Siberian crane, bustard, flamingo and others.
Human activity was sometimes directly aimed at exterminating birds, so the main reasons for the disappearance of golden eagles were the shooting of birds by hunters, as well as specially placed traps and the destruction of nests. The list of rare birds included in the Red Book of Kazakhstan, prohibited for hunting, includes more than 56 species. In total, more than 500 species of birds were encountered in Kazakhstan. We would like to introduce you to some bird species that are listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

steppe eagle
Steppe eagle in Kazakhstan
The steppe eagle in Kazakhstan is found from March to September and inhabits the steppe zone of Kazakhstan, only in some places it is found in the forest-steppe and semi-desert zone. Spends the winter in warmer regions in Africa and southern Asia. The steppe eagle is slightly smaller in size than the golden eagle and belongs to the same genus. The weight of the eagle is 2,5-3 kg, females are usually larger than males. The wingspan reaches 200 cm. The plumage of an adult bird differs from the plumage of young birds, so adult birds are brown, only the tips of the wings are black. In young birds, two light transverse stripes are clearly visible on the wings. The beak of the steppe eagle is horn-colored, the tip is black, the wax and legs are yellow. The main difference from other eagles is the tail, as it is shorter than that of other eagles. The eagle makes sounds that are similar to barking - hoarse, shrill. What is interesting is that steppe eagle nests can be seen on rocks, trees, poles, power lines, even just on the ground. Most often, eagles occupy old nests, only renovating them a little. The building materials of the nest are interesting: twigs, sticks, coarse steppe grasses, as well as bones, fragments of plastic and other debris. The tray is lined with wool, plant rags and various soft debris. The steppe eagle's clutch contains from 1 to 3 spotted eggs. The female incubates them, but the hatched chicks are fed by both parents. After the flight of the young, steppe eagles often concentrate in feeding areas. Steppe eagles are natural regulators of the number of rodents and other small mammals. Since the main diet is gophers and mouse-like rodents. The steppe eagle does not disdain carrion. In October, entire flocks of steppe eagles can be seen on Chokpak; several hundred can be counted in one day. This is a very impressive painting!

The Eagle Owl bird is known to many, but few have seen it in nature, since it is a nocturnal bird. An eagle owl's nest is not easy to find. And the bird moves in a very unique way, as it flies silently and appears suddenly in the night. Among owls, the eagle owl is the largest, weighing up to three kilograms. The color of the plumage makes the eagle owl invisible in different natural environments. You can meet this amazing bird both in the desert of the Zaisan Basin and in the steppe, mountain and forest areas of Kazakhstan. But in Altai you can hear it even in the mountains with eternal snow. The bird builds nests on the ground, on ledges, in the gullies of spring watercourses and simply on the plain. The female lays eggs directly on bare soil (from 2 to 5 eggs). The eagle owl is a strong predator, capable of attacking quite large prey, from partridge and black grouse to hare, but the main food is voles, jerboas and even hedgehogs. Sometimes it can rise high and, slowly flapping its wings, track prey over long distances. The eagle owl is a very beautiful bird, unsociable, personifying the mysteries of the night. But unfortunately, poaching activities have led to a sharp reduction in its numbers.
Black stork
The black stork is very similar in appearance to its relative the white stork, of course it differs in color, since most of the plumage is black with purple and green tints and only the underside of the body is white. Males and females have the same plumage color; young birds have brown plumage, without shine, with light streaks. The black stork is a rather large bird. Weight is about 3 kg, length 90-100, wing 52.0-60.0, span 185-205 cm. In Kazakhstan, the black stork is found in the mountains of Kent, Ulytau, Western and Northern Tien Shan, Dzungarian Alatau, Altai. The black stork does not tolerate close proximity to humans and therefore settles in the most remote places; it chooses tall trees in an old dense forest, or inaccessible rocks for nesting. You can observe a black stork on Lake Markakol, when the stork flies to feed from the Kurchum ridge. Flapping its wings, the stork will walk all day in shallow water until its stomach is filled with fish. An interesting fact is that the black stork has been using nests for many years. The clutches usually contain 4 eggs, the egg dimensions are 60-74 x 45-51 mm. The eggs of the bird are incubated alternately by a male and a female for 4,5-6 weeks. Until the chicks fly away from the nest, the parents will feed them.

The golden eagle is the largest of the eagle family. The color of the plumage is completely dark below, the top is a combination of dark brown, gray and ocher-red. The golden eagle's head has ocher or golden-chestnut feathers. An adult outfit is acquired only in the 6th year of life. Weight of males from 3 to 5 kg, females from 4 to 7 kg, body length 76-93, wing of males 56.5-68.0, females - 265, wingspan 180-240 cm. Breeds in northern Kazakhstan, Altai, Ustyurt, in Kyzylkum and the mountains of the south and southeast of Kazakhstan. The golden eagle builds its nest on rocks or in trees, the material for construction is usually dry branches, the tray is lined with hair, rags, and fresh twigs with leaves are also used. In March or early April, golden eagles repair old nests or build a new nest. A clutch of two, less often one, eggs occurs in April - May, the chicks hatch in late May - June. Both parents feed the chicks, which fledge in mid-July - August. And only with the onset of winter do the chicks leave their parents.
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