Kazakhstan sizes

The territory of Kazakhstan is located in the center of Eurasia, most of which belongs to Asia, and a smaller part to Europe. In the north and west, Kazakhstan borders with Russia, in the east with China, and in the south with Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The total area of ​​Kazakhstan is 2724,9 sq. km. In terms of its size on the mainland, Eurasia ranks 4th after Russia, India and China, and among the CIS countries it ranks 2nd after Russia. In terms of the size of its territory, Kazakhstan is in ninth place. This means that it is among the top ten largest countries in the world. Total length of landibxelv01157641.jpg borders - 13392,6 km. Kazakhstan is the largest country without access to the World Ocean. Kazakhstan is divided into Central, Western, Eastern, Northern and Southern regions. Most of the country's territory is made up of deserts and semi-deserts, steppes occupy an area equal to seven regions and makes up 648 thousand km2 of the entire territory of Kazakhstan. The population of Kazakhstan is 17,948,000 people. Administratively, Kazakhstan is divided into 14 regions, 84 cities, 159 districts, 241 cities and 2 villages. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a multinational state inhabited by representatives of more than 042 nations.

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