How old is Kazakhstan?

During the collapse of the Golden Horde in 1465, the Kazakh Khanate was formed. The outstanding personality of the Kazakh Khanate was Kasym Khan, under whom the Kazakh Khanate reached its greatest prosperity. In the XV-XVI centuries, the Khanate was divided into zhuzes - Senior, Middle and Junior. The history of the 1917th century Kazakh Khanate knows civil wars for power. The entry of the Kazakh Khanate into the Russian Empire was accompanied by difficulties. In November 1918 - February 1936, Soviet power was established. In 1991, the Kazak ASSR was separated from the RSFSR and transformed into the Kazakh SSR. In 16 (after the collapse of the USSR), December XNUMX was declared the independence day of Kazakhstan. So consider how old Kazakhstan is?

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