VDNKh is the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy, which is already 2022 years old in 83. VDNKh includes seven thematic areas, and more than 25 million people visit the exhibition every year. Guests here take walks, have fun, and get acquainted with unique examples of architecture from the Soviet period, including the Stalinist Empire style and Soviet modernism. The symbols of VDNH are the “Friendship of Peoples” fountain and the “Worker and Collective Farm Woman” sculpture. There are many bus, tram and other routes near VDNKh.
VDNKh is a fairly modern territory where you can visit the “City Farm” and feed the ducks and goats.

At the Moscow Sky restaurant you can order dishes that were popular during the USSR period. Also popular among tourists is the House of Crafts, where you can make your own stained glass windows or paint silk.
Among the famous attractions, it is worth noting the Moskvarium: it is a center for marine biology and oceanography.
The building houses 80 large aquariums, home to 12000 fish, sharks, rays, dolphins, beluga whales and seahorses. In their natural environment, they live in Lake Baikal, in the Australian Great Barrier Reef, off Kamchatka and Greenland.
Anyone can fly the Buran rocket plane. This is a model of an orbital ship that is especially popular with teenage boys and adults interested in space. You will be able to virtually land the Buran at the Baikonur Cosmodrome from an altitude of 80 m. Although everything happens virtually, the approaching planet looks very realistic.
In the Space pavilion you will see a 5D film about a flight to distant stars and the Moon.
On the territory of VDNKh there is a huge skating rink - an area with artificial turf covering 8 m2. 2400 people can ride here at the same time. You can also take a ride along the Central Alley at the Tsvetnik skating rink, which can accommodate 1200 vacationers. Game competitions are held here on Saturdays and Sundays, and ice dancing is held on Fridays.
In winter, at VDNKh you can visit a tubing hill with several slopes and a curling pavilion. There is also a snowball area.
VDNKh also has bicycle paths, a separate equipped area for mini-football, as well as many exercise equipment for street sports. The largest rope park in the country is also located here.
We bring to your attention the most exciting excursions around VDNKh. You can stroll through the park, look into the pavilions and find out how the appearance of the complex has changed!
Interesting Facts
You can see VDNKh in the film “Hipsters”, as well as in many Soviet films - for example, “The Foundling”, “The Shining Path”, “Five Evenings” and “The Pig Farm and the Shepherd”. Also dedicated to the exhibition are many postage stamps from the USSR period.
In the Cosmos pavilion and at Buran you can order space food - exactly the kind that real cosmonauts are fed, in tubes.
VDNKh regularly hosts interesting exhibitions, organizes lectures on a variety of topics, and hosts concerts. To always keep abreast of the latest news, we recommend that before traveling to Moscow, go to the VDNKh website and check out the poster for upcoming events.
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