The Great Silk Road on the territory of Kazakhstan!

History. The Silk Road as a trade route arose in the 3rd century BC. If you move from west to east, the Kazakhstan section of the Silk Road went from Tashkent to Isfijab (Sairam). Isfijab is an ancient city that was located next to Shymkent; it was one of the large cities located on the Great Silk Road. Caravans walked from Isfijab east to Taraz, carrying silks, fabrics, weapons, swords, copper, iron, jewelry and much more. Taraz as a city on the Silk Road was already known in the 6th century. This city was known as a city of merchants; it was the capital center of the Turgesh. Not far from Taraz there was another ancient city, Jamukat, but history has left very little information about it. Caravans entered the Tala Valley from the Fergana Valley through the Chanach Pass and the Karabura Pass. This is how the section of the Silk Road leading from the Fergana Valley to Semirechye was connected. From Taraz, caravans went to Semirechye, one of the largest cities of that time was Navaket, it was the residence of the Turkic kagans. Until the 10th century, the road from Navaket led to the city of Suyab, the capital of the Western Turks. From the city of Suyab, the Great Silk Road walked along the banks of Issyk-Kul. From the Issyk-Kul Basin the path lay to the Ili Valley and further to China. Over the course of time, the Great Silk Road underwent changes, some sections acquired special significance, others fell into decay. In the VI-VIII centuries. the main route was Syria, Iran, Central Asia, Southern Kazakhstan, Talas Valley, Chui Valley, Issyk-Kul Basin, East Turkestan. Another route went through the West of Kazakhstan - the Caspian steppes, Mangyshlak, the Aral Sea region, and Southern Kazakhstan. Silk Road62298417 through Central Asia, Southern Kazakhstan and Semirechye functioned until the 14th century. Initially, Chinese silk was mainly transported along the Silk Road, and from India, Iran, Europe and Russia, myrrh, frankincense, jasmine water, nutmeg, ginseng, amber and coral, ivory, ingots of silver and gold, fur and much more. They also traded the famous Arabian and Nisio horses, as well as exotic animals. But as historical documents show, silk remained the main item in trade. It was valued along with gold and was an international currency. The treasure of coins found in the ancient city of Otrar represents the “calling cards” of cities lying on the Great Silk Road and is of great interest to researchers.

Tours along the Great Silk Road.

Today, tourists' interest in the Silk Road has increased; travelers want to plunge into antiquity, and Southern Kazakhstan is of particular interest in this regard. Such cities of Southern Kazakhstan like Taraz, Otrar and Turkestan are open-air historical monuments. From the city of Shymkent, a travel company organizes two-day tours around cities of Southern Kazakhstan on the Great Silk Road. Contact phone number 87013956293.

  • One-day tours to Turkestan are organized from Almaty.
  • Departure from Almaty – every Friday and Saturday from station No. 2

Upon arrival in Turkestan, the program includes a visit to: the mausoleum of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi, the ethnographic museum, a visit to the Otrar ancient settlement, the Arystan Baba mausoleum, a visit to the unique site of Sauran. Travel to Turkestan in a comfortable

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