Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve

Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve is a state reserve. Located on the western side of the Talas Alatau ridge in the Western Tien Shan. The territory of the Aksu-Dzhabagly reserve is located at an altitude of 1300 to 4200 m above sea level, the total area of ​​the reserve is 74,4 thousand hectares. The name of the reserve was given from the names of two rivers (Aksu and Zhabagly). The reserve covers an area of ​​740 square meters. km. The climate is moderate continental. This territory is part of the Western Tien Shan, characterized by an uneven distribution of precipitation across the seasons; maximum precipitation falls here in winter-spring and minimum precipitation in summer. The average temperature of the coldest month of January is –5,4C; The warmest month is August with air temperatures here rising to 21C.

The lowest temperature is –34C, the highest is +37C.
The main rivers of the Aksu-Dzhabagly nature reserve - Dzhabagly, Aksu, Baldabrek, Bala-Baldabrek - flow in a westerly direction. Mountain lakes (Kyzylzhar, Kyzylkenkol, Ainakol, Oymak, Tompak and Koksakkol) are attractive places. River valleys have the shape of a canyon. The river canyon especially stands out. Aksu, whose depth reaches 400 meters, length - more than 20 km. Picturesque places of the reserve are also gorges, Dzhabagly gorge, Kaskabulak gorge with ancient rock carvings. Other places in the areas adjacent to the reserve attract attention for their beauty or historical values. These are the so-called “Red Hill”, where Greig’s tulips bloom in season; the grave of Bei Shunkulduk. Aksu-Dzhabagly is notable for its many picturesque landscapes and unique natural sites. The flora of the Aksu-Zhabagly reserve, according to the latest data, includes 1737 species, including 235 species of mushrooms, 64 species of lichens, 63 species of algae and bryophytes, and 1312 species of higher plants. The pride of the reserve is the Greig tulip, which has become an export item. The size of its crimson-red petals is 12-15 cm. The fish fauna consists of 7 species, the most typical of them are the common marinka and naked osman. The wildlife of the reserve is unique; it includes species typical of completely different regions. There are 42 species of mammals on the territory of the Aksu-Dzhabagly Nature Reserve, these are predatory and artiodactyl animals: argali, Tien Shan brown bear, snow leopard, Siberian mountain goat. There are about 100 bears on the territory of the reserve, this is a very good indicator for a species listed in the Red Book. Sometimes you can see red pika and tolai hare, long-eared hedgehog and small shrew. In the Aksu-Dzhabagly Nature Reserve you can find 239 species of birds, this is half of the entire avifauna of Kazakhstan.
From the general list, about 123 species of birds nest on the territory of the Aksu-Dzhabagly Nature Reserve, and 38 species never leave its territory. . Of great interest is the most beautiful bird - the paradise flycatcher. There are three zones in and around the reserve. Zone 1 includes the reserve itself and is a specially protected area where tourism is prohibited. Zone 2 is reserved for tourism, where ten special ecotourism routes have been developed. Zone 3 is a buffer zone where hunting and the construction of chemical and industrial facilities are prohibited. Permission to enter the reserve can be obtained from the reserve administration. The entrance fee is insignificant: 7 US dollars per day for foreign citizens and 1,2 US dollars for citizens of Kazakhstan.

Address of the Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve:
South Kazakhstan region,
Tyulkubas district,
Zhabagly village
tel.: +7 /32538/ 52 218, +7 /32538/ 56 633
Accompaniment by a guide is required (payment of 5 US dollars per day).

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