PBX Almaty

A virtual PBX is a special cloud system that uses the Internet to transmit audio data. When a call comes in, it is routed to the cloud and routed to the correct caller or employee. This provides high-quality communications and allows you to manage your business more efficiently.

This communication system not only offers high-quality communication, but also a number of useful tools for effective business management:

  • One of the advantages is multichannel - the system processes up to 100 calls simultaneously, which ensures uninterrupted communication with clients. If all operators are busy, calls are placed in a queue and automatically forwarded to the first free operator.
  • Extension numbers are another convenience of online PBX. With the help of such a system, each employee can receive a short number for forwarding customer calls and convenient internal communication. And what is especially important, communication between employees in different parts of the country will be free.
  • Voice Menu, also known as Interactive IVR, is another useful virtual PBX tool. Using pre-recorded voice messages, the system helps reduce the workload of operators by providing solutions to common customer questions and redirecting them to the right employees.

The cost of a virtual PBX can vary significantly depending on many factors, such as the number of users, functionality requirements and the ability to integrate with other systems. 


IP PBX (IP-Automatic Telephone Exchange) is a modern telephone system based on the IP (Internet Protocol) protocol, which is used to transmit voice information over the Internet. It has a number of features including:

  • Ability to handle a large number of calls simultaneously. This ensures high productivity and increases the efficiency of the company.
  • Flexibility in customization. IP PBX is easily configured to work with any devices that can use IP network protocols. This allows an organization to use different types of telephone devices, including desk phones, mobile phones, and computers.
  • Possibility of working remotely. IP PBX allows employees to work remotely and connect to the system from anywhere in the world using the Internet. This increases the company's flexibility and efficiency.

Who to contact?

KTS offers a wide range of services, including virtual PBX, IP telephony, cloud telephony and much more. We will help you choose the most suitable service package based on your business and requirements.

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