"Big Almaty Lake"

Big Almaty Lake formed as a result of an earthquake. The lake is surrounded on all sides by mountains, including Sovetov Peak 4317 meters above sea level, Ozerny Peak with a height of 4110 meters above sea level and Tourist Peak with a height of 3954 meters. The shores of the lake are steep and steep. The water in the lake is quite cold even in the summer. Depending on the time of year, the water takes on different shades from muddy yellow in the summer to turquoise blue in the fall. The lake is very beautiful, especially in the morning, when majestic mountains are reflected in the water. In winter the lake freezes.

 The road to Big Almaty Lake is quite difficult and consists of a winding gravel road. From the ring st. Al-Farabi-Navoi you need to drive up to the eco-post, pay for entry, and further to the fork, then turn left. We reach the sign “Hotel Alpine Rose” and turn left. Another 40 minutes drive and you are at the most beautiful place in the outskirts of Almaty - the Big Almaty Lake. This is one of the most picturesque places in the Trans-Ili Alatau. There's only one road there, so it's impossible to get lost.

The lake is located on the territory of the Ile-Alatau National Park. It is only 29 kilometers away from Almaty. The altitude at which the lake is located is 2511 kilometers above sea level. Its length is 1600 meters and its width is up to 1000 meters. The length of the coastline is three kilometers, and the greatest depth is 38 meters.9fceb5c1b9beddbae879aa122da8b082

Your journey may last further, since there is an astronomical observatory above the lake, just two kilometers from the lake. Here you can look through telescopes and expand your knowledge of astronomy. If you want to relax, there is a thirty-bed hotel at your disposal where you can have a snack. Well, if you are a tireless traveler, then you can climb even higher by 8 kilometers and visit the Cosmic Ray Research Station.

Attention! The lake is a sensitive site of special strategic importance, so access to the lake is limited, so we recommend visiting the lake through a travel agency. The waters of the Big Almaty Lake provide water to the southern part of the city of Almaty, so a policeman and a border guard are on duty at the lake. Don't forget to take your documents with you.

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