Lake Markakol, relaxation on Lake Markakol!

Lake Markakol, this marvelous lake, is located in the mountains of southern Altai. It surprises even seasoned travelers with its beauty.

The lake is surrounded by mountain taiga, and on the very shore of the lake there are birch and willow trees, numerous berry bushes that stretch along the coast. The water in the lake changes color depending on the weather; on a clear day it is a green-blue surface that glows from the bright sun. All this resembles a piece of paradise that attracts tourists to admire the picturesque lake and relax away from the bustle of the city. This lake is loved not only by people, but also by numerous birds, among which you can see rare species such as osprey, black stork, capercaillie, and pelican. There is fish in the lake, even very rare ones, but since the territory of the lake is considered a protected area, only the local population is allowed to fish here for food or through travel agencies. There are companies that organize tours that include delivery to the vacation spot and equipment for fishing. Fishing for Siberian lenka-uskucha awaits you, as well as a Russian bathhouse and a house for 7 people. For convenience, you will be taken to the fishing site by boat, and in the evening you will have dinner from freshly caught fish. Tours of extreme tourism are organized around the territory of the reserve, this includes rafting on mountain rivers and hiking routes, the price is individual and quite high.a9778acb3a39

Mountain Lake Markakol is the most beautiful lake in Eastern Kazakhstan and Altai, but not only the lake is worthy of admiration, but also the nature surrounding the lake, these are taiga forests and mountain rivers. The lake itself is 38 kilometers long and 15 to 20 kilometers wide; the depth of the lake in some places reaches 27 meters. It is located at an altitude of 1449 meters above sea level. In 1976, a reserve was opened on the banks of Markakol - this is one of the most beautiful corners of Southern Altai. The road to the lake is not easy, you need to cross the stormy river “Zhaman Kaaba” five times, overcome the Marble Pass - difficult to access, but very picturesque, and only beyond the subalpine meadows will the mountain lake, the crown of beauty, finally appear 91bea3681e0e

Markakolsky reserve. The origin of the lake is associated with the Ice Age, when modern ridges were formed. The lake basin is a mid-mountain relief. The slopes of the ridges are crossed by river valleys and are relatively steep; mountain streams and rivers flow along the bottom of the taiga gorges. The Azu-Tau ridge is almost tightly adjacent to the lake

in the south and southeast of the coast, forming a narrow coastal strip. The lake coast in the west and northeast is a plain 1-2 km wide. The climate on Markakol is harsh, snowy winters and warm, moderate summers. When going to Markakol, you need to take into account that this is the coldest region of Kazakhstan. Snow on Markakol lasts for an average of 165 days, and snow cover up to 70 cm usually disappears in the first ten days of May, in the mountains at the end of May - beginning of June. The lake is completely free of ice by the end of May. It remains to add that the water in the lake is ultra-fresh and very soft.

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