Greater Kazakhstan

Greater Kazakhstan is a huge territory that is located in the center of Eurasia, most of which belongs to Asia, and a smaller part to Europe. In terms of its size on the mainland, Eurasia ranks 4th after Russia, India and China, and among the CIS countries it ranks 2nd after Russia. The total area of ​​Kazakhstan is 2724,9 sq. km. including land - 2699,7 sq. km., water - 25,2 sq. km. km. Land borders are 12185 km, including with the countries: China - 1533 km, Kyrgyzstan - 1224 km, Russia - 6846 km. Turkmenistan - 379 km, Uzbekistan - 2203 km. Kazakhstan is the largest country without access to the World Ocean. Greater Kazakhstan is divided into Central, Western, Eastern, Northern and Southern regions.

Most of the country's territory is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts; steppes occupy 35% of the territory of Kazakhstan and only 5,9% are forests. .The steppe occupies the territories of seven regions and makes up 648 thousand km2 of the entire territory of Kazakhstan. Large and small rivers flow through the territory of Kazakhstan, 12 rivers with a total length of more than 500 km. about 7 thousand rivers, the length of which exceeds the 10-kilometer mark. There are more than 40 thousand lakes in Kazakhstan, over 4000 reservoirs have been built in which fresh water reserves are accumulated.467480

 The vast territory of Kazakhstan is rich in mineral resources, which makes it possible to provide the industry of Kazakhstan with its own resources. So in Kazakhstan, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering are developed, chemical, oil, gas, textile, light industries are also developed, and the production of building materials is developed. There are over 46 chemical plants in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan ranks f05e05d3631e81ff9470ae89716157bfthird place (after Russia and Uzbekistan) in gold mining among the CIS countries and is in the top ten in gold mining in the world.

Population of Kazakhstan is more than seventeen million people. Kazakhstan is a multinational republic; representatives of more than one hundred and thirty nationalities and nationalities live in it as a single family. Most of the population lives in cities. The largest cities in Kazakhstan are Astana, Almaty, Shymkent and Karaganda. The largest city in terms of population is still Almaty, unofficially recognized as the southern capital of Kazakhstan. Its population exceeds one and a half million people. The city itself is quite compact and is not the largest in terms of area in Kazakhstan. The city has a metro. The second largest city by population in Kazakhstan is Astana with a population of over 700 thousand people and the largest city by area in Kazakhstan. This is a modern metropolis, the capital of Kazakhstan.

 Despite the fact that Kazakhstan is considered a steppe country, the nature of Kazakhstan is unique and amazing, capable of capturing the imagination of even avid travelers. Kazakhstan is surrounded by some of the largest mountain systems in the world, Altai and Tien Shan. The Altai Mountains are an amazing region, endowed with natural contrasts from rocky mountains to rocky ridges covered with eternal snow. The Tien Shan Mountains with the highest point of Kazakhstan, the Khan Tengri Peak, are not only the highest mountain that avid climbers want to conquer - it is also a beautiful mountain that amazes the imagination during sunset, casting a crimson-red color. The nature of Kazakhstan knows how to surprise tourists in Kazakhstan.

Big Kazakhstan! Big country! Great opportunities!

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