Butakovskoye Gorge

If you decide to enjoy nature, take a break from the bustle of the city, or try your hand at tourism, then we choose the butakwatrfall Butakovskoe gorge for this. Getting there is easy - along Dostyk Avenue, before reaching the Butakovka stop, turn left. Well, then there is a barrier, the entrance to the Ile-Alatau National Natural Park, where you will need to pay. Then we move along the main road, reach the second barrier, leave the car and walk, enjoying the beautiful view. There used to be a permanent Cossack post in the gorge, which became the basis for the village. And most likely, the gorge itself and the village bear the surname of the commander of this Cossack unit.

There are two waterfalls in the gorge, the most visited is the nearest waterfall, 15 meters high, it is very popular among tourists. The upper one is smaller than the lower waterfall; it is located in the upper part of the gorge at a distance of two kilometers. The width of the first waterfall at the very bottom is more than fifteen meters, so the splashes and water dust spread over a huge area, and on sunny days the rainbow either rises in height or descends to the very ground.
A private boarding house with a good gym for training athletes has been opened on the basis of the former sports base “Trudovye Reservy”. Not far from the boarding house there is a private horse farm. Well, the townspeople and guests of Almaty like to relax on the Butakovka River itself. Here you can see the peak "Talgar" 4973 meters at sea level, the highest peak of the Northern Tien Shan. Well, if you decide to continue the hike along the Kimasar ridge, you will see the valley of the Left Tapap River. Butakovka Gorge is a great place for beginner tourists. From here you can walk to the Kimasar ridge and return to Medeu; this route is suitable for a simple workout. In addition, there is a path to the valley from Medeu along a path that can be seen at the edge of the road to the Kimasar Valley. The vegetation here is varied - Tien Shan spruce, aspen, rowan and barberry grow on the slopes. The air here is clean, and you can drink water from a transparent spring, of which there are thousands. Tourism in Kazakhstan

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