Kazakhstan is a multinational state. Over 17 million people live here as one family, representatives of more than 120 nationalities and nationalities. In the Basic Law of the country - the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regardless of nationality and religious affiliation, in Art. 19 clearly states the following provision: “Everyone has the right to use their native language and culture, to freely choose the language of communication, education and creativity.” Newspapers, magazines, books, and work are published in many languages.
national radio and television programs. The entire multinational people are united by such a concept as: We are the people of Kazakhstan. And this unity is the uniqueness of the state of Kazakhstan. The friendship of the peoples of Kazakhstan is embedded in the hearts of people. For the prosperity of the state, peace and harmony between the peoples living on its territory are needed. May 1 is a public holiday established as the day of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan. Only by respecting traditions and each other can we build a decent life. On September 22, the “Day of Languages of the Peoples of Kazakhstan” is celebrated annually.
“All these years we were together, we were friendly with each other and with our neighbors. Therefore, Kazakhstan now has the best indicators of socio-economic development in the CIS. Most importantly, we have preserved unity - our main asset. We must carry this unity
further and pass it on to new generations. There will be unity, there will be stability, there will be a prosperous country,” the President of the country said.
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