Writers of Kazakhstan

Among the famous writers of Kazakhstan, such names as Seluimenov Oljas Omarovich, Musrepov Gabit, Mukanov Sabit, Zhumabaev Magzhan, Auezov Mukhtar Omarovich, Altynsarin Ibrai, Abai Kunanbaev and many others stand out.

Abai Kunanbaev

Abai Kunanbaev was born in 1845 in the Semipalatinsk region, in the family of the head of the Tobykty clan. Abai Kunanbayev is a poet, composer, philosopher, thinker, educator, and also the founder of new Kazakh realistic literature. Abai grew up among akyns and storytellers, which subsequently influenced his work. For three months Abai studied at a Russian parish school in addition to the Semipalatinsk madrasah. Among Russian poets, Pushkin and Lermontov were favorites. At the end of the 80s of the 19th century, he translated excerpts from A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” and at the same time Abai deeply abay1national poet and philosopher. The subject of his work was a description of the life of the Kazakh people. Abai died in 1904, his first collection of poems was published after his death in 1909 in St. Petersburg. Abai's works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. One of Abai’s most famous works is the poem “Kara Soz” in the literal translation “Black Word”, which consists of 45 short parables. The main publications are: the first collection of poems “Poems of the Kazakh poet Ibragim Kunanbayev.” Lyrics and poems, Abai Kunanbaev Selected Trans. from Kazakh edited by L. Sobolev, Abai Kunanbaev Collected works in one volume “Words of Edification” Abai Kunanbaev. Favorites (series “Wisdom of Ages”). The Republican House-Museum of Abai has been opened in Semipalatinsk. In many cities of Kazakhstan Monuments were erected to Abai Kunanbayev, as well as monuments to such an outstanding cultural figure were erected in Istanbul, Tehran and Moscow.

 Altynsarin Ibray

Altynsarin Ibrai was born in 1841 on November 2 in the village of Zhanburchi, Arakaragai volost, Nikolaev district (current Zatobolsky district, Kostanay region). Altynsarin is an outstanding educator, teacher, folklorist, and ethnographer. Altynsarin graduated from the first special school in 25e9e0a94b1d8b7c2b4d39c993a6d79cOrenburg for Kazakh children. He devoted a lot of time to self-education, studied many works of world literature - Shakespeare, Goethe, Byron and others. In 1864, his teaching career began; with his direct participation, an elementary school for Kazakh children was opened in the Torgai fortress. Altynsarin was a talented organizer. Altynsarin's literary heritage includes translations, poems, stories, fables, ethnographic essays, and Kazakh fairy tales. The themes of his works are varied. He is rightly called the founder of children's literature. Some of the works in the “Kyrgyz Reader” are literary translations. Altynsarin made translations of L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky, I.A. Krylov, I.I. Paulson and others. In his teaching practice, Altynsarin widely used the works of these writers. He died on July 17, 1889 and was buried on the banks of the Tobol.

  Auezov Mukhtar Omarovich

Auezov Mukhtar Omarovich was born on September 28, 1897 in the Chingiz volost of Semey district. An interesting fact is that the Auezov family was related to the family of Abai Kunanbaev. Mukhtar received his education at a Russian school. He studied at Leningrad University, as well as in graduate school at the Central Asian University. Auezov was a famous writer, public figure, was an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, he was the first doctor of philological sciences in AuesovKazakhstan. He wrote over twenty plays, and also translated into Kazakh such classic works of world and Russian drama as “The Inspector General,” “Lyubov Yarovaya,” and “Fleet Officer.” His plays, short stories and stories of the 1910–1920s “Enlik-Kebek”, “Karagoz”, “Baybishe-tokal”, “The Fate of the Defenseless”, “The Picky Bride”, “Beauty in Mourning”, “Grey Fierce”, “ Shot at the Pass”, “Dashing Hours” testified to the maturity of the young writer’s talent. Auezov showed particular interest in the work of Abai Kunanbaev and subsequently he wrote a large ethnic narrative about Abai. This work undoubtedly brought him fame. The entire four-volume epic was called “The Path of Abai.” Auezov is deservedly recognized as one of the outstanding masters of artistic expression of the twentieth century. The writer died in 1961.

Jumabaev Magzhan

Zhumabaev Magzhan was born on July 25, 1893 in the Bulava district of the North Kazakhstan region. Father Beken played a big role in Magzhan’s life - he was a progressive man and instilled in his children a love of knowledge. Magzhan began studying at the age of four at his father’s home school, created for his children and the children of relatives. Magzhan spent his childhood in close contact with nature, which subsequently affected his work. He wrote such works as “Birch”, “Spring is Coming” and many others, which reflected his memories imagechildhood. In 1905, Magzhan was sent to study in Kyzylzhar, now Petropavlovsk. Mukhamedzhan Begishev, a well-known person at that time, who completed a full course at Istanbul University, opened a madrasah for Kazakh and Tatar children. Magzhan enthusiastically studies Arabic, Persian, Turkish languages, and the history of the Turkic peoples. Having graduated from the madrasah with honors, Magzhan continues his studies in Ufa, then studies in Omsk. His decision to devote his life to teaching leads to a rift with his father, and he is deprived of the financial support of his wealthy parents. Subsequently, he writes about his experiences in the poem “Confession.” He began writing poetry at the age of 14. His poems were published in almost all newspapers in the Kazakh and Tatar languages. There were difficult times in his life when he lost loved ones, his wife died from childbirth, and subsequently his son. In 1929, especially difficult times came for the poet, when he was accused of nationalism and imprisoned. He spent the last days of his life in Almaty, then he was arrested again and in 1938 his life was cut short. Not only he himself but also his relatives were subjected to persecution and persecution. Magzhan was one of the most educated Kazakhs of the XNUMXth century, he was fluent in many languages: Russian, Arabic, Persian, Turkish and numerous dialects of the Turkic language.

Mukanov Sabit

Mukanov Sabit was born on April 13, 1900 in the Tauzar volost of the Akmola province. He studied at the Institute of Red Professorships. Sabit Mukanov is a classic of Kazakh literature, poet, public figure, academician, chairman of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan. Sabit began his work as a poet. “The Farmhand” and “The Fords of October” are his first poems. The poem “Sulushash” brought him the greatest popularity. In 1934, his poetry collection “Tulpar” was published, which collected poems from his early work to 1933. The first novel was the novel "Adaskandar", and one of his most significant novels was the novel "Botagoz". In the last years of his life, S. Mukanov worked on a trilogy about his most beloved hero, Chokan Valikhanov. Undoubtedly, he was an extraordinary person; he was connected by friendship with such famous people as Alexei Tolstoy, Ivan Shukhov, Galina Serebryakova, Gabit Muserpov and many others. In 1974, his posthumous edition of the ethnographic work “People's Heritage” was published. His books have been translated into many languages. The attitude towards such outstanding personalities as Mukanov Sabit in society is ambiguous. But he loved his homeland, and this love could be seen in his works.

 Musrepov Gabit

Musrepov Gabit was born in 1902 in the Presnogorkovsky district of the Kostanay region. Musrepov Gabit is the People's Writer of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was interested in literature since childhood. In 1926–1928 he studied at the workers' faculty in the city of Orenburg, then 00000259studied at the Omsk Agricultural Institute. His work in print began from an ordinary employee to the editor-in-chief. He was a brilliant journalist. Working as a journalist, he received a school of life and subjects for future works. The play "Amangeldy", like the film of the same name, was born from a newspaper story. He is also known for other dramatic works: “Kyz-Zhibek”, Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-Slu”, “Akhan-sere-Aktokty”. Musrepov is one of the creators of a new genre for Kazakh literature - drama. G. Musrepov’s novel “Soldier from Kazakhstan” is one of the first works of Kazakh prose about the war. In his activities, Musrepov did a lot to introduce the Kazakh reader to Russian and world classics. In Kazakh Soviet literature, Gabit Musrepov will forever remain as one of its founders and most talented figures.

  Seluymenov Oljas Omarovich

Seluymenov Olzhas Omarovich was born on May 18, 1936 in the city of Almaty. He is a national writer, poet, linguist researcher, Turkologist, popular politician, prominent statesman and public figure. His father was an officer of the First Kazakh Cavalry Regiment. But he was shot, like many other Red Army officers, becoming a victim of Stalinist repressions. 00000184After graduating from school, he enters the Kazakh State University named after. Kirov. In 1958, he entered literary courses in Moscow at the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky. After completing the courses, he worked as the head of the poetry department of the magazine "Prostor", the chief editor of the script and editorial board of the Kazakhfilm film studio, the first secretary of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan, the first secretary of the board of the Union of Cinematographers of Kazakhstan, the secretary of the Union of Writers of the USSR. Alzhas Suleimenov becomes the initiator and organizer of the 5th conference of writers from Asian and African countries in Almaty. During his activities, Kazakh cinema gained worldwide fame. His merit as a public figure is the organization of the Nevada-Semey movement, which achieved a moratorium on explosions at the Semipalatinsk test site. Olzhas Suleimenov is known all over the world; he is the author of many books that have been published in different languages. Being a Kazakh, he writes poetry in Russian, but at the same time remains a deeply Kazakh poet. Among his works, the most popular are: the poetry collection “Sunny Nights”, “Parisian Night”, “Good Sunrise Time”, “Year of the Monkey”, “Selected Lyrics”, “Clay Book”, “Repeating at Noon”, “ Every day morning”, “Round star”, “Transformation of fire”, “Identification of the shore”, “Az and I”, “Writing language” and many others. As a person, Olzhas Suleimenov is a piece of the history of the Kazakh people, their pride.

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