Mountain Kazakhstan

Mountainous Kazakhstan is the majestic Tien Shan and the Mugodzhar ranges, 77_img_2636 Magystau Mountains and the fabulous slopes of the Dzhungar Alatau. The mountains are famous for their beautiful landscapes and rare species of plants and animals. The mountainous areas are rich in a huge selection of recreation centers and sanatoriums. For health improvement, you can visit sanatoriums located near the mountains, such as: the Alatau sanatorium in the foothills of the Trans-Ili Alatau, the Ak-Bulak sanatorium in the Chimbulak tract, “Rakhmanovskie Klyuchi” in the heart of the Altai Mountains.

The Tien Shan Mountains occupy the territory of southeastern Kazakhstan. The highest point of the mountain system is Khan Tengri Peak (6995 m). The peak is difficult to access for tourists and climbers, therefore it is very popular among thrill-seekers. Rare species of animals live here: snow leopard and mountain bear.
65879858In the east, mountainous Kazakhstan is represented by the Altai Mountains. On the territory of Southern Altau there is the beautiful Markokolskaya Basin. The symbol of Altai is the majestic Belukha Mountain. Among some peoples, the mountain is considered sacred. This place is also a favorite place for climbers. In the mountains you can find rare species of birds: hazel grouse and white partridge. The continuation of the Altai Mountains is the Kalbinsky ridge with the highest point of Sary-Shoky (1600 m).

Another amazing mountain system of Kazakhstan is the Dzungarian Alatau. The tops of the mountains are covered with eternal glaciers and snow. Argali, mountain goats and goitered gazelles live here. The Dzungarian Alatau is famous for its history; here you can find rock paintings of ancient nomads who once passed through the territory of these mountains.

In the central territory of our country you can visit the beautiful Saryarka steppe with numerous mountain peaks. The highest of them is Mount Aksorgan (1565 m). Mirror-clear lakes are scattered among the mountains, which make this area unique.

The Mangystau Mountains are located on the Caspian Sea, with the lowest point in Kazakhstan being the Karagiye depression. Low mountains separate Buzachi and Plain Mangyshlak. This includes the Karatau and Aktau mountains.

The Mugodzhary Mountains are a spur of the Ural Mountains. The highest point is Mugodzhar Mountain Bolshoi Boktybai (657 m). The Shiyli and Terisbutak rivers originate in the mountains.

Mountainous Kazakhstan is represented by numerous mountains where you can “relax” both as a climber and spend a family vacation.

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