Karatau Mountains

Karatau mountain range, which is located in the south of Kazakhstan and is the northwestern spur of the Western Tien Shan. The ridge extends from the Talas Alatau with a gradual decrease into the Syrasu-Chuy plain. The length of the Karatau ridge is 420 kilometers, in turn the ridge is divided into Eastern or Small Karatau and Southwestern Karatau. The highest 0_4_Karatau_vot point of the ridge is Mount Bessaz 2176 meters above sea level. During their geological history, the mountains have undergone repeated leveling and uplifting, so they have an original relief; these are very old mountains. The Karatau Mountains are surrounded by numerous salt and fresh lakes. Southwestern Karatau consists of valleys and mountain ranges. The valley of the Syrdarya River is located to the southwest of Karatau, the Talas River to the northeast. Nature lovers can find interesting plant species in the Karatau Mountains. The mountain gorges are also interesting; almost every gorge has a small river or stream. So in the mountains there are famous gorges such as: Berkara (north-eastern slopes of the Boroldai ridge), Aktogay gorge (north-eastern slopes of the Small Karatau), Arpa-ozen gorge in the Big Karatau section, on the western slope of Boroldai there is the Kokbulak gorge and the Boroldai gorge . All gorges are interesting and unique in their own way

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