Ulytau Mountains in Kazakhstan

Ulytau are low mountains, the height of which reaches 1181 m, located in the southwest of the Kazakh small hills, the mountains are composed mainly of granite. Ulytau is called “the country of lakes and springs,” the healing properties of which are known far beyond its borders. As history shows, ambassadors from different countries, heading to the main headquarters of the Mongols, Karakorum, specially stopped to receive treatment at the Ulytau spring water. The Ulytau mountain range can be seen for many kilometers; the highest point is Mount Aulie-tau. Translated from Kazakh, Ulytau means “Great Mountains”; they were given this name because of the historical events that unfolded in these places. Here the Kazakh peoples united to repel the Dzungars.
The convenient location of the mountains was a favorite place for the khans of nomadic tribes. The eldest son of Genghis Khan, Zhoshy Khan, founded his headquarters here, and from here Batu began his campaign to the east. It was in these places that events dating back to the Middle Ages unfolded. There are many monuments on the mountains that amaze with their antiquity and diversity. Here you can find the royal burial places of Aibas-Darasy, Uytas-Aidos, Akoba, Taldysai. You can also find many mines and quarries, which testifies to the mining and metallurgical activities of the ancient inhabitants of Ulytau; the scale of their activities still surprises scientists. Foreign tourists visit these places with pleasure; the monuments that Ulytau houses date back to the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras, and the untouched nature of these places is simply amazing. Many species of animals have found their home here: saiga, wolf, wild boar, fox, corsac fox, sand squirrel and others, and rare and endangered species such as: bandage, little bustard, jack, bustard, sajah, whooper swan.

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