Karkaraly National Park of Kazakhstan.

Karkaraly National Park of Kazakhstan is located in the Karkaraly district of the Karaganda region, in its eastern part. The total area of ​​the park is 90323 hectares, organized in 1998. The Karkaraly-Kent mountain cluster consists of five mountain groups: Buguly, Shankoza, Matena, Airtau and Kenta. The Karkaraly Mountains and the Kent Massif have steep slopes in the northern part, while the southern and western ones are gentler. In the northern part of the mountains the vegetation is richer than in the south and western part of the mountains. The highest height of the Karkaraly Mountains is 1403 m, the Kent mountain range is 1469 m. Springs run down the picturesque mountain gorges, giving rise to small rivers.

On the territory of the park there are a number of picturesque lakes such as: Shaitankol, Basin, Pashenny, Ulkenkol. On the territory of the Karkaraly National Natural Park there is a monument of medieval history - the Kyzyl-Kensh Palace.

The flora of Karkaraly Park includes 198 species of angiosperms, 3 species of gymnosperms, 2 species
pteridophytes, 27 species of mosses, 14 species of lichens. The park mainly grows such plants as: 280px-Karkaraly_reserve pine, aspen, bird cherry, raspberry, drupe, black currant, horsetail, wintergreen, bluegrass, etc. Among the endemics there are such plant species as - Karkaraly barberry, Karkaraly gum, toadflax, Karkaraly wheatgrass, Astragalus furrow, Regneria Karkaraly. The Red Books are represented by the following species: sticky alder (black), Karkaraly barberry, leafless tulip, drooping tulip, umbellifera, Fuchs palmate root, steppe peony, thin poppy and one of the types of mosses - smooth sphagnum. Rare plants for the region are also angustifolia ash (burning bush), ferns - common bracken and hairy bracken.

The fauna of Karkaraly Park includes 190 species of vertebrates: 45 species of mammals, 122 species of birds, 6 species of reptiles, 2 species of amphibians and 15 species of fish. The territory of the National Park is also home to Red Book species such as: argali, black stork, golden eagle, eagle owl, dwarf eagle, steppe viper, Ignatov's minnow. Rodents common in this area are the red-cheeked ground squirrel, the gray marmot, the steppe mouse, the great jerboa, the jumping jerboa, the Djungarian hamster, the Eversman's hamster, the common hamster, the Streltsov's vole, the red-backed vole, the muskrat, the steppe pied, the water vole, the common vole, the narrow-skulled Levka , wood mouse, house mouse, little mouse. Predators include wolf, fox, corsac fox, badger, light polecat, ermine, weasel, manul, and lynx. The bird fauna is very diverse. Only owls are represented by several species: scops owl, little owl, long-eared owl, eagle owl; Birds of prey include golden eagle, dwarf eagle, black kite, common buzzard, hawks - goshawk and sparrowhawk, meadow and marsh harriers, saker falcon, hobby hobby, merlin, kestrels - common and steppe. The forest is inhabited by a spotted woodpecker, a wood thrush, a tree pipit, a great tit, a chaffinch, a great dove, a cuckoo, an oriole, a nightjar, and a black grouse. Among those listed in the Red Data Book are the golden eagle, the dwarf eagle, the osprey, the saker falcon, the eagle owl, as well as the swan goose and the black-headed laughing eagle.

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