Cosmetologist-dermatologist in Karaganda - the best specialists in the city

The skin is designed to protect the body from environmental influences. This durable natural barrier repels infections and protects against bacteria and parasites. It is necessary to maintain healthy skin and, as a result, normal functioning of the body.

Over time, human skin begins to age - the process of cell renewal slows down, roughness, dryness and wrinkles appear... pigment spots. As a result, the risk of skin diseases increases.

A cosmetologist-dermatologist will help prevent premature skin aging and cure skin diseases (if any).

What does a cosmetologist mean?

Such a specialist is responsible for the aesthetic component of the profession. Deals with the correction and maintenance of a healthy and attractive appearance of skin, hair, and nails. Smoothes out age-related changes, provides care and performs cosmetic procedures (masks, massages, facial cleansing...) that are not associated with diseases. Such services must not damage organs.

Gives advice and recommendations in the selection of cosmetics or procedures.

The cosmetologist applies therapy using universal techniques:

— cosmetics for external use,

– types of massages (endermology...),

– injections – mesotherapy, botulinum therapy, contour and volumetric plastic surgery...,

— physiotherapeutic procedures – ultrasound, low-frequency electric currents, laser therapy…

The specialist also uses other methods to solve aesthetic problems to improve and correct appearance.

These procedures improve the condition and appearance of healthy skin - increase firmness and elasticity, eliminate signs of aging. For non-critical cosmetic defects.

It is important in this profession to promptly detect the causes of the occurrence and development of a particular condition, and not just eliminate the symptoms. In such cases, the cosmetologist’s task is to recommend changing your lifestyle, advising on specific physical activity or nutrition.

This is a sought-after and popular destination. To engage in such activities, a higher medical education is required.

What does a dermatologist mean?

Area of ​​activity: structure and functional characteristics of human skin. Such a specialist deals with the treatment of skin pathologies. These include redness, itching, swelling or growths (boils...) You should not delay a visit to a dermatologist:

- the appearance of acne that does not disappear over time,

- moles or papillomas that interfere or alarm,

- inflammatory processes on the skin, inflammation of the sweat glands,

- allergic skin processes, urticaria.

Also in case of greasy scalp and dandruff.

A dermatologist treats psoriasis, severe forms of acne, and eczema. Diagnoses these diseases. During her work, she often collaborates with infectious disease doctors or allergy specialists. The doctor’s qualifications allow him to deal with problems of nail plates and hair without contacting specialists in this profile.

Responsibilities include medical examination, prevention and treatment of epidemiological diseases, and carrying out specific dermatological procedures. Computerized skin diagnostics are available.

Specialists must have higher education in their field. The profession is in demand.

Situations often arise when, after treatment of a skin disease, adjustments are required - removal of scars and spots. A specialist who deals with the prevention and treatment of skin diseases and creates the aesthetics of healthy skin is called a cosmetologist-dermatologist.

When is it necessary to contact a specialist?

When undergoing cosmetic procedures, situations may arise where skin treatment is required. In such cases, there is no need for special treatment to a dermatologist. The patient will receive appropriate treatment and consultation on site.

For acne diseases, when you need to get rid of acne and subsequently carry out cosmetic treatment of the face. In this case, the patient, in addition to drug therapy, is prescribed hardware techniques and aesthetic procedures. The clinic is equipped with special equipment that is not available in traditional skin clinics.

A cosmetologist-dermatologist is a highly qualified doctor who has the right to treat skin pathologies and perform cosmetic procedures.

Certain painful conditions - acne (mild and moderate), sensitive skin, rosacea (mild form), etc. are better treated when contacting specialists in this profile. An integrated methodological approach allows for progress and improvement.

If you have painful conditions on the skin or want to improve your appearance or undergo a cosmetic procedure, it is better to contact a cosmetologist-dermatologist.

When visiting such a specialist, the risks of not detecting a possible skin disease are eliminated; the patient has access to universal types of cosmetology services.

A medical center of this profile offers universal types of cosmetology therapy and treatment of skin pathologies. Operates on the basis of a state license and guarantees the quality of services.

When applying, these circumstances must be taken into account. Check the availability of a state license and professional education and experience - to avoid risks of damage to health.

Where to find a cosmetologist-dermatologist in Karaganda

Contact information (phone numbers, addresses) and reception schedule are also posted there.

The quality of cosmetic services and procedures is guaranteed.

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