Work abroad in clubs

The agency searches for reliable partners, provides employment assistance, and is responsible for the safety of everyone it works with. If you are a girl of good appearance, 18-25 years old, and not overweight, then we invite you to work with us. This profession is not an escort and consists only of working in nightclubs abroad. At the same time, you do not have to have citizenship of the country you are going to and you don’t even need knowledge of foreign languages. You will be paid a lot of money, while you will travel and enjoy holidays on weekends, which are also available. Now let's take a closer look at the questions that you might have.

What is the recruitment process like?

The first step is to study all working conditions. However, sometimes something is not clear - do not be afraid to clarify the information with consultants. Just remember that they need to ask specific questions, and not ask them to describe this or that thing in more detail, because all the details are described on our website:

Next, if everything is clear to you, you must decide on the duration of the contract and departure dates. If you don't do this, managers won't even pay attention to you. Managers have very little time, and they won’t waste it on empty talk. Therefore, immediately discard all doubts and fears even before filling out the questionnaire.
Then you directly fill out the form itself, where you indicate your preferences by country.
If you filled out everything correctly, then after a while you will receive a call from our manager, in a conversation with whom you will have to decide on the country and establishment.

After signing, you will have to do everything as the manager tells you. Remember that a manager is your closest friend. He will always put your interests first.
And finally. If you suddenly suspect something wrong or strange, or you feel that employees are not performing their duties well, send a letter to this mailbox: [email protected]

Is it possible to work without experience?

Of course you can. Of all the girls working abroad, about 90% went there for the first time. Most establishments do not require work experience, but there are also those where it is better not to fly without it. Don’t worry, the manager will advise you on the most convenient places to work for your first time.

Do you need to know a foreign language?

There is one answer to this question: it all depends on the country you choose. English will be required if you fly to Jordan or Cyprus, but if you choose South Korea, Italy, Spain or Turkey as your country, English will not play any role.
How much do agency services cost?
You owe absolutely nothing to the agency for its services, since all of them are paid for by the foreign employer. Don't worry. Nobody will touch your salary.

Will everything exactly be as promised?

This question worries many. Some people worry that no one will meet them abroad and that it’s all a hoax. But think for yourself. What's the point of an agency doing such a huge job of transporting you to another country if it doesn't earn anything from you? It is interested in working with you - that's what is important to remember.
You can read reviews from other girls about working with us on our website. This concludes the article.

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