The most beautiful nature of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is located in the center of Eurasia between the Caspian Sea, the Lower Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, China and Central Asia. Kazakhstan is the largest country without access to the World Ocean. Most of the country's territory is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts, steppes occupy 35 percent of the territory of Kazakhstan, and a small part of the territory is occupied by forests. And yet the nature of Kazakhstan is amazingly beautiful.

Mountains of Kazakhstan. In the southeast and northeast, Kazakhstan is surrounded by some of the largest mountain systems in the world, Altai and Tien Shan. The Altai Mountains are an amazing region, endowed with natural contrasts from rocky mountains to rahmanovskie-kluchi-altay-9rocky ridges covered with eternal snow. Tien Shan Mountains with the highest point in Kazakhstan, Khan Tengri Peak. This is not only the highest mountain that avid climbers want to conquer - it is also a beautiful mountain that amazes the imagination during sunset, shimmering with a crimson-red color. The nature of Kazakhstan can surprise even the most experienced travelers.

In central Kazakhstan there is a small hill called Saryarka, which stretches from west to east for 1200 kilometers. A special feature of the small hills is the picturesque Kokshetau Mountains, which are covered with pine forest, and the bizarre shapes of the rocks surprise and attract many tourists here. The southern spur of the Ural Mountains are the Mugodzhary Mountains in Kazakhstan. These are low mountains in which birch mainly grows. And on the Mangyshlak Peninsula of the Caspian Sea there are the Mangystau Mountains.

Forests of Kazakhstan. The forests of Kazakhstan are located mainly in the Altai and Tien Shan mountains. Although there are few forest areas in Kazakhstan, they are unique, so 66195501-bb6f-4ed4-a773-95d03bbe4b4bThe territory of Kazakhstan's forests alone is home to such rare species of trees and shrubs as: juzgun, astragalus, Kyrgyz birch, Lynchevsky apple tree, Transcaspian hawthorn, Vavilov pear and many others.

An amazingly picturesque place is located between Astana and Kokshetau. This is Shchuchye-Borovoye, where coniferous and birch forests surround the azure lakes of Kazakhstan.

Lakes of Kazakhstan. There are more than 40 thousand lakes in Kazakhstan, most of them are located in the Caspian and Turan lowlands, the West Siberian Plain and in the lowlands of Saryarka. Lakes are found in almost all natural areas. The largest lakes in Kazakhstan are Balkhash, Alakol, Zaysan, Tengiz, Seletyteniz, Sasykol. Each lake is different 15822728unique and part of the picturesque nature of Kazakhstan. For example, Lake Alakol is famous for its medicinal properties; Lake Tengiz is in some places composed of black silt, which is also used for medicinal purposes. Lake Balkhash is surprising in that it has a different composition of water - the western part is fresh water, and the eastern part of the lake is salty, they are connected to each other by a narrow strait.

Rivers of Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan, there are 7 rivers with a length of more than 1000 kilometers, 12 rivers with a length of more than 500 kilometers and 7 thousand rivers with a length exceeding the 10 kilometer mark. The longest rivers in Kazakhstan include the Irtysh, Ishim, Ural, Syrdarya, Tobol, Ili, 0_5187d_3d097d4d_origChu. The amazing Irtysh River - with a total length of 4248 kilometers, after the Missouri River, it is considered the longest river in the world. The Irtysh River flows through three regions of Kazakhstan and its length in Kazakhstan is 1700 kilometers. The longest tributary of the Irtysh is the Ishim River.

The Kazakh steppe stretches for 2200 kilometers, the steppe occupies the territories of 7 regions. In the steppe zone there are two reserves: Korgalzhinsky and Naurzumsky. On the vast territory of the Kazakh steppe you can find all varieties of steppe vegetation. In spring, the entire nature of Kazakhstan is transformed, including the steppe, into a bright, colorful picture of blooming tulips, irises and poppies. The forest-steppe in Kazakhstan extends within the North Kazakhstan region. The climate in the forest-steppe zone is favorable relative to other zones. This is one of the well-developed natural areas of Kazakhstan.

The semi-desert in Kazakhstan occupies 44 million hectares; this zone is characterized by extreme aridity. The semi-desert is located in Kazakhstan from the Northern Caspian Sea and the Subural Plateau, through southern Turgai to the foot of Altai and Tarbagatai. The vegetation of the semi-desert is mainly wormwood and saltwort. The desert zone in Kazakhstan occupies the southern part of flat Kazakhstan: the Caspian Lowland, Mangyshlak, the Ustyurt Plateau, the Northern Aral Sea region, Betbek-Dala, the Syrdarya Lowland, Kyzylkum, Muyunkum, Northern and Southern Balkhash. The climate in the desert zone is characterized by hot summers and cold winters with little snow.

The nature of Kazakhstan is so diverse that it can be of interest to any group of people. Sea lovers can visit the west of Kazakhstan, where the Caspian Sea is located, and lovers of mysterious places can visit the desert zone of Kazakhstan and visit the Ustyurt plateau. The picturesque places of East Kazakhstan are the pearl of the nature of Kazakhstan. There is also a local “Switzerland” in Kazakhstan. The nature of Kazakhstan is amazing and diverse.

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