Lake Shaitankol

If you like to travel through the mountains, then in the Karkaraly mountains there is a place - Mount Bear, which offers a magnificent view of the lake known as Shaitankol. It is only 5 kilometers from the city of Karkaralinsk. Lake Shaitankol is shrouded in many legends. The Lake itself is small, 60 meters long and 40 meters wide. Getting to Lake Shaitankol is difficult because the road goes through the mountains. The route takes about 5 hours; in winter it is almost impossible to get to the lake due to deep snow. So, if you decide to visit this lake, it is best to do it in the warm season. There is an assumption that the lake arose in the crater of an extinct volcano, but this version has not been verified because no one has studied this lake. In the thicket of the forest, among the rocks, as if hidden from human eyes, this amazing creation of nature is located. Those who had to spend the night on Lake Shaitankol tell all sorts of stories about seeing shadows and luminous objects above the water surface.4-shaytankol_ekskursii One of the legends of this lake says that a girl and a guy who once loved each other live in the lake. But since the girl was very beautiful, and the guy was poor, the girl’s father wanted to give her to a rich man for a large dowry. But the owner of the lake warned the young people that a threat was hanging over them and promised to hide them in the lake. When the young people ran away, their father’s nukers began to overtake them, and then, holding hands, they rushed into the lake. The girl’s father sat by the lake for a long time, waiting for the bodies to float up, but he never got around to it. Rest in Karkaralinsk, city ​​of Karkaralinsk.

Today Lake Shaitankol attracts tourists and there are two routes to it. On the way to Lake Shaitankol from Lake Pashino there are several small waterfalls. The water in the lake is cold and clean, Lake Shaitankol itself is very interesting and unusual, but there are few people who want to swim in it.

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