Forests of Kazakhstan

In general, forests are rare for Kazakhstan because there are mostly steppes and plains. Therefore, forests are highly valued in Kazakhstan. There are only 2 large forests on the territory of Kazakhstan: the Tien Shan forest and the Altai forest.

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Forest of the Tien Shan.
Forests in Kazakhstan are mainly located in the northeast and southeast of the republic, in the Altai and Tien Shan mountains.
Kazakhstan can be called a low-forest state since the area covered by forest is only 4,6%
territory of the country. But the forest in Kazakhstan may surprise you with the presence of trees and shrubs that grow
only on the territory of Kazakhstan forests and nowhere else are such species found: juzgun - which in turn has 1 species, astragalus is also represented by 28 species, Kyrgyz birch, Lynchevsky apple tree, Trans-Caspian hawthorn, Djungarian, false Siberian, poplar, Vavilov pear , Shrenka and Turkestan roses, snow-white willow, etc. The northern Tien Shan is characterized by coniferous forests, the famous Tien Shan spruce grows there, in the forest you can meet the deer, hawk owl, nutcracker, black grouse, three-toed woodpecker and many others
fauna representatives. The Western Tien Shan differs from the northern one in landscape; accordingly, instead of spruce forests, juniper forests mainly grow here, and most of the slopes are treeless and covered with Himalayan-type meadows. In the lowlands, in the areas of villages, gardens grow. The higher slopes are covered with deciduous forests and groves of wild apple and apricot trees, and only at an altitude of 1 - 300 m do spruce trees appear. But spruce trees grow mainly on northern slopes.
Prominent representatives of the fauna of the Western Tien Shan are such animal species as: porcupine, bluebird and Himalayan red-necked tit, white-throated nightingale, red-winged lentil and many others. In general, in the forests of the Tien Shan, you can see large animals such as wild boar, roe deer, snow leopard, Tien Shan brown bear, Central Asian lynx, etc.

Altai forest.
The Altai forest is located between the Uba and Bukhtarma rivers. “Altai” translated into Russian as Golden Mountains. Since there are huge deposits in the depths: tungsten, zinc, copper, etc. The mountains are covered with forest at an altitude of 600-2500 meters above sea level 07_zailiyskiy_alatau_kumbelc_oleg_belyalov. Several types of trees grow in the forest depending on the height. For example, conifers grow in the upper and middle parts of mountain slopes, while birch and aspen grow lower. The most common species is Siberian fir, which is located at an altitude of 700 - 1800 meters. There are also spruce-fir forests on the slopes of the eastern part of the Narym ridge. These forests are located in the East Kazakhstan region. Ridder is one of the cities in the Altai Mountains.

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