Horses in Kazakhstan

Horses in Kazakhstan and all over the world are people’s favorite animal; they combine many qualities with which a person falls in love. Of the senses, hearing is the most developed, followed by vision and smell. Horses are famous for their extraordinary devotion to their owner and a very good mind, which, according to many horse breeders, is the best among all animals. Horses are noble animals that can serve both an owner in a remote village and a small athlete at the best racetracks in the world. A horse has various hairs on its body: short thick hair (hair), long hair of the bangs, mane and tail - sparse hair around the lips, nostrils and eyes. A horse lives for about 20-25 years, there are breeds that live up to 40 years, and the record is 62 years old, which belongs to Old Bill.

Horse breeding is very developed in Kazakhstan. Horses are very popular in Kazakhstan. There is a saying: if you ask a Kazakh how often he sits on the ground, he will answer that much less often than on a horse; if a Kazakh is thirsty, he milks his horse; if he is hungry, he slaughters one of his horses. So it is, no other domestic animal is used as universally by man as the horse. The level of wealth of a nomad was also measured by the number of horses in Kazakhstan.

“How many horses does he have?” - they asked if they wanted to know whether a person was rich or not.
The main areas where horses are concentrated in Kazakhstan are the West Kazakhstan region,

Kostanay region, Karaganda region. At one time in the Western Kazakhstan region there were

600 thousand heads.

If you decide to ride horses, then the mountain resort “Forest Fairy Tale” offers horseback riding tours,

as well as professional horse riding training for adults and children from 6 years old. Detailed information

you can find out by phone: in Almaty: 330-37-21, 8-705-188-88-28

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