Beetles of Kazakhstan. Beetle

Dung beetle
The dung beetle is nature's orderly, since its food is ordinary manure, as well as human feces.
The body length of the dung beetle is no more than 27 mm, the color is blackish blue, the lower part of the body is blue or
purple, the body itself has an oval structure, strongly convex at the top. Dung beetles together (male and female) dig a hole to breed their offspring, in which they put their “wealth”, then the female lays an egg from which a larva hatches, which also feeds on manure carefully stored by its parents, after overwintering, in the spring it turns into a pupa from which it turns into a beetle. . Anyone who has vacationed at the Kapchagai Reservoir has probably encountered such a beetle. It is interesting to watch them, as the beetle drags its ball, which can exceed its weight by 90 times; the dung beetle is considered the most powerful insect in the world. Sometimes his relatives come to his aid and then they roll the ball together; it happens that the stronger beetle simply takes the ball away from the weaker one. Strangely enough, beetles find dung by smell; they have a sense of smell, located in their antennae. An interesting fact is that at the end
In the 19th century, an ecological disaster almost broke out in the fauna of Australia due to the lack of dung beetles in the fauna.

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