Museums of Kazakhstan

The Republic of Kazakhstan is a state with a centuries-old history. Over the years, many trade routes passed through this territory, and conquest campaigns were carried out in this territory, rich in fertile lands. Today, the museums of Kazakhstan are a reflection of the rich past of the state.

Almaty is one of the most historically significant cities in our country. While here, you should definitely visit the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. More than two hundred thousand monuments of material and spiritual culture have been preserved in museums. Here you can plunge into the history of Kazakhstan from different periods. Visit the times of the formation of the first states, the development of nomadic culture, the creation of cities and mass migrations of people on the territory of the current republic. The museums also have an “Open Fund”, which gives visitors the opportunity to become acquainted with new historical treasures. In the city of Almaty you can also visit the natural museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Visitors are given a unique opportunity to see the fossilized remains of animals that once lived in Kazakhstan. The exhibits are an opportunity to learn in detail about the beauties of your native land.9cb6cbdfffd04cd95824aeca50361d79

The Museum of Rare Books has a huge collection of priceless books, ancient manuscripts in Arabic and Latin, which have historical significance.

In geology museums you will find unique exhibitions of precious stones and underground riches. For museum visitors there is an interactive show presenting geological processes that everyone will enjoy.

Literary and memorial house-museum of M.O. Auezov, where the prose writer lived for the last 10 years. The museum is protected as a monument of republican significance.

State Museum of Art named after. A. Kasteev has about 20 thousand works of art, painting and culture. Here you can find about 200 works of Western masters.

In the State Museum of Musical Instruments you will see unique collections of instruments played by Abai, Makhambet, Zhambyl and other artists.

Another wonderful example of rich history is the Mangistau Regional Museum of History and Local Lore. One of the halls is dedicated to the unique fauna and flora of the Caspian Sea. Stone sculptures of Ustyurt are one of the mysteries of the history of the region. The applied art of the Kazakhs, interior decorations, as well as masterpieces of art of the Kazakh people are presented here.

The Karaganda Ecological Museum introduces viewers to the main environmental problems of Kazakhstan and provides free access to these problems for the population. The museum carries out innovative projects on the proper use of energy resources and conducts campaigns to protect the environment. He also organizes trips around Central Kazakhstan.

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