The other side of the coin or why go to Arkalyk

Hello dear friends! Today we will introduce you to one of the "cities of Kazakhstan", once very prosperous and in demand. But the wave of perestroika after the collapse of the Soviet Union overwhelmed him too. This is Arkalyk, the most depressing city, according to Google. This is partly true, the people here are indeed a little depressed, but more on that later, first about the main thing - why go there at all?

The population of this wonderful town is about 28 according to Wikipedia, and when about 247 people lived here, despite the fact that the city was founded in 80 and was one of the main bauxide miners. Over time, the city's population began to decline rapidly, which led to the appearance of houses like this. arkalyk_obshchiy_vidLocal authorities began to resettle residents of outlying areas to the city center. Now the city lives thanks to the railway, institutes and colleges, as well as ore mining, although not on the same scale as before. Boxide mining played a key role in this region, thanks to it there are such landscapes.20150621_18435220150613_17482120150621_184349

Mostly students go to Arkalyk for a long time, many go to their cities and are offered to study on a grant in Arkalyk, and studying without a grant is much cheaper than in the city. There seems to be no other purpose other than study or trade, but by visiting Arkalyk you will have the opportunity to see what nature does with the dumps that remain from ore mining.

1 comment:

  1. A fairy tale city, a dream city. When I fall into his network, I disappear forever. Arkalyk is one of the best cities on the planet.

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