Rest as a savage in Karkaralinsk

There are still places in Kazakhstan where you can relax as a savage in the lap of nature. And one of these places is Karkaralinsk. What could be better than relaxing in nature, further away from the bustle of the city! Moreover, the nature of this region invites savages to relax. Here you will not have problems - where to get water; in the mountains of Karakaralinsk there are many springs, the water of which is striking in its purity. And some springs are simply unique, because the water there is naturally carbonated. The Bolshaya and Malaya Karkaralinka rivers flow through the forest, and the Karkaralinsk mountains are famous for their mountain lakes. So, having carefully studied the route of your trip, you can safely set out for a positive mood that will last you for a long time. For outdoor recreation, of course, you will need a good tent, sleeping bags, a map of the area (in this case Karkaralinsk) and some little things that you cannot do without on vacation in nature. Such little things include a lighter, matches, a flashlight, etc. Of course, you will need to carefully think about what you will eat. These should be high-calorie foods that do not take up much space, usually canned food. Outdoor recreation by savages in Karkaralinsk is well suited for a romantic couple. After all, in Karkaralinsk you can find a place where you will be alone with nature for tens of kilometers. Well, if you have a whole group of you, then you will remember the savage’s outdoor recreation in Karkaralinsk for a long time.kartinki-foto-lyubov-391 There is nothing better than sitting in the evening in a friendly company outside by the fire - singing songs, remembering funny stories from life, and sometimes just silently watching the fire, thinking about life. And what is important in our time is that such a vacation does not require numerous expenses. And once purchased, things for such a trip can be used for a very long time and perhaps you will make it a rule to relax in nature like a savage. When staying in nature on vacation, it is important to remember that the cleanliness of your native land depends on your culture.

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