"Lake Alakol"

In the southeast of the Almaty region there is a wonderful lake Alakol. Lake Alakol is the second largest among the inland water bodies of Kazakhstan and, together with other lakes - Sasykol, Zhalanashkol, etc., form the Alakol lake system. The lake itself is located at an altitude of 347 meters above sea level between the snowy mountains of the Dzhungar Alatau and the Tarbagatai ridges. More than 15 tributaries flow into the lake, the depth of the lake in some places reaches 50 meters, the length is 102 kilometers, and the width is 54 km. The lake is located in a semi-desert zone, so there is practically no vegetation here. But every year numerous tourists come here to admire the beautiful sunset, improve your health and just relax on the shore of the lake, away from the bustle of the city.

Its miraculous properties have been known for a long time. Genghis Khan himself treated his wounded soldiers in the waters of Alakol, and in our time cosmonauts were cleansed of cosmic radiation. The famous Great Silk Road passed by the lake, and even in those days, caravanners stopped on the shore of the lake to gain strength and improve their health. The waters of Alakol in their composition resemble sea water, and in their chemical composition they are comparable to the waters of the Black Sea and contain almost the entire periodic table. Today it is well known that the waters of Alakol can treat diseases such as skin, musculoskeletal and nervous system diseases. The lake not only has unique water that heals, but also a shore. The shore is strewn with black pebbles; when heated in the sun, they are especially useful. The bottom of the lake is mostly pebble and muddy in places. There are also healing muds on the lake, and the dry steppe air, saturated with mineral salts, is also beneficial. Nature itself made sure that people had a place to improve their health and take a break from the bustle of the city. It has been noted that men benefit most from treatment at Lake Alakol, but very close is another lake, Zhalanashkol, whose healing properties are more suitable for women.125597

The lake is also favored by migratory birds, among them there are very rare species that are listed in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, such as: relict gull, pink pelican, white herons, black storks and many others. Alakol is rich in fish, so fishing lovers also come here.gallery_314128_18390_2250818M3NV7NY0Nd77k6xcDCYUmgtB0EyMZj

Today on the banks of Alakol there are boarding houses and recreation centersthat will offer you comfortable living and recreation conditions. But you can go and stay as a savage in some village and rent a house for a reasonable fee. Most of the beaches on the lake are not equipped, so you need to take into account that a savage's holiday can bring certain difficulties, since there is steppe all around, but all the inconveniences are more than covered by the water, it is truly wonderful. And yet, if you decide to go wild, then take note that there are often winds there and you need to take sunglasses for the sun, mosquito repellent ointment will also come in handy.

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