"Charyn Canyon"

Charyn Canyon is a real natural monument. It is located 195 kilometers east of Almaty on the territory of the Charyn National Park, almost on the border with China.

It is best to visit the canyon by contacting a travel agency. A trip to the canyon from Almaty by tour bus will take at least two hours, and the tour itself will take at least 7 hours. But when you reach your goal, a magnificent picture of untouched nature will open before you. Nature has been creating this masterpiece for many centuries. The canyon was formed as a result of a fracture in the earth's crust about 30 million years ago. No matter how slowly nature created the majestic castles that tourists enjoy visiting today. The length of the Valley of Castles is 2 kilometers and the width is 20-80 meters. Here you can take unique photographs as a souvenir. The rocks are very interesting in their shape and resemble fantastic figures. Having descended to the bottom of the canyon, you can relax in the shade of a rare ash plant and enjoy the freshness of the Charyn River.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

At the bottom of the canyon, the Charyn River flows rapidly, in which fish live, and an amazing plant grows along the shore - clear. Today the Ash Grove is declared a Natural Monument; a similar grove exists only in North America. More than 1500 plant species grow in the Charyn Canyon. The fauna of the canyon is also diverse; 62 species of mammals, 103 species of birds and 25 species of reptiles have found their refuge here. So it is quite possible that you will see some of the inhabitants of this area of ​​​​wild nature.

When you finish your journey through the canyon, you will probably go up and look at the canyon once again. The view from the top is very beautiful and the canyon appears in a new light. After a while, you will be happy to look at the photographs taken in this picturesque place, where nature was the architect and created its masterpiece for many years.

Considering that in summer it is very hot in these places, do not forget to take water, sunglasses and, of course, comfortable shoes with you.

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