Wolverine in Kazakhstan

You may be surprised, but the wolverine is the most ferocious predator on earth; it knows no fear and can attack animals much larger than it. There are cases around the world where wolverine drove bears away from their prey.

In Kazakhstan, the wolverine is found in the Markokolsky Nature Reserve. About 30 animals live on its territory. The mustelid family is richly represented: the common ermine, weasel, light-colored polecat, badger, and less commonly the solonga. Wolverine is also common. Wolverine weighs from 9 to 30 kg. Females are smaller in size and weight. The wolverine's body is squat, clumsy, its legs are short, the hind legs are longer than the front ones. The back is arched, the head is large, the muzzle is elongated. Wolverine is a plantigrade animal. Wolverine's teeth are powerful. The animal's fur is brown or brown-black in color. This is a strong and cautious animal. As a rule, the wolverine leads a solitary lifestyle and only sometimes can you see a small flock eating prey. Wolverine can be seen climbing trees. She has keen eyesight, but weak senses and hearing. The sound that the animal makes is more like the yelping of a fox. The wolverine is a slow animal and when hunting, it usually guards its prey in ambush; it is omnivorous and mainly feeds on the remains of the prey of large animals. But it can hunt itself, even large animals; it also hunts birds, grabbing them when they are sleeping or sitting on nests. She can be seen near the water, fishing or feasting on rotten fish. Wolverine is dangerous for a person, as it can chase him for quite a long time and when a person is tired, he can attack him. Wolverine is capable of delivering a fatal blow by biting the carotid artery and throwing himself on top of a person

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