Rest as a savage in Issyk-Kul

Sometimes vacations happen out of the blue. And the first thing that comes to mind is: “Well, what to do now?” All decent vacation spots were booked in the spring, or even earlier. We invite you to consider a wild vacation in Issyk-Kul as an option. Holidays in Issyk-Kul can be an alternative holiday to any beach holiday, which is in great demand among holidaymakers. We will consider a trip to Issyk-Kul from Almaty.

And so, if you decide to relax as a savage in Issyk-Kul, then our information will help you solve some problems. The best way to get to Issyk-Kul from Almaty is by bus. The most popular resort villages are Karakol and Cholpan-Ata, where you can rent a room right upon arrival. Along the main streets of these villages, as a rule, there are adults and children standing with signs saying “Room for rent.” The price in the private sector will be lower than the price in a hotel or inn.
Well, if your pocket allows it, then you can go to some boarding house, of which there are many on the coast. But, if you decide to save money, then the procedures can be obtained without living in a boarding house, but while relaxing as a savage in Issyk-Kul. 725472 (1)Since local health resorts and sanatoriums provide medical procedures regardless of whether you are on vacation or not. You can pay for services and use everything you need: from ordinary water treatments to hydromassage, etc.
Vacationing as a savage in Issyk-Kul implies your responsibility for your diet, bathing regimen and excursions.
You can eat cheaply and tasty in cafes, which are located in specially equipped yurts, where you can taste perfectly prepared oriental cuisine.
Around many resort villages, there are thermal springs in which the water temperature is 48-50 degrees. Therefore, a savage holiday in Issyk-Kul is possible in winter. But it is also important to remember that the sources can also be radon, the stay in which is strictly limited in time.
Fishing lovers can pamper themselves with fishing. This is not prohibited here. But you can buy already dried or dried fish from local fishermen.
Some tips for vacationers.
It is not recommended to sunbathe on the beach between 11 am and 16 pm at noon, as you can get burned.
When eating at a coffee shop or restaurant, you need to remember that waiters include a 10% tip in the price directly on the check.
If you don’t like to carry heavy bags, then some things can be purchased at stalls or shops at your place of stay for a very reasonable price.
It is very difficult to predict the weather in Issyk-Kul; sometimes it can rain heavily during the season. But as a rule, the rainy season occurs at the end of August – beginning of September.
When renting a house, bargain, they give in.

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