Pink flamingo in Kazakhstan

Flamingo is an unusually beautiful and rare bird. A flamingo has long legs and a neck, it is almost as tall as a person, and weighs only 4 or a little more kilograms. The bird's plumage is pinkish, which makes the bird's takeoff unusually beautiful, as if it flares up with fire. The pink flamingo is characterized by a large curved beak, which is a good tool for obtaining food. Flamingos live in colonies of several tens to thousands of pairs. Flamingos are very careful birds; when frightened, they can even abandon their nests, where there are already clutches of eggs. When flamingo chicks are born, they are gray in color and have a straight beak, only later do they acquire a pink color and a curved beak. The chicks are fed by their parents until they learn to forage for food themselves. Young birds huddle together in huge so-called nurseries, only a few adult flamingos look after them. The pink flamingo is a resident of the tropics and subtropics, in Kazakhstan it is mainly found on the salt lakes of Central Kazakhstan and can also be seen in winter in Aktau between the 15th microdistrict and the village of Telman.

Kazakhstan - this is the northernmost place in the world where the pink flamingo flies, or rather to the Kurgaldzhinsky Nature Reserve.
In 2015, there was a curious incident involving the flight of a pink flamingo from Kazakhstan to the tropics. A small group of young pink flamingos flew to the Kemerovo region of Russia by mistake. Scientists put forward several versions of the flamingo error, one of them is the war in the Middle East, but perhaps weather conditions were to blame. In any case, it was impossible for the lost flamingos to survive without the help of people. An operation was organized to rescue the redwings.
The pink flamingo in Kazakhstan is included in the Red Book.

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